华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 42-56.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.005

• 基本理论与基本问题 • 上一篇    下一篇


[美]林逸梅(Iveta Silova)   

  1. 美国亚利桑那州立大学Mary Lou Fulton教师学院全球教育高级研究中心, 亚利桑那 85287-1611
  • 发布日期:2020-03-11

Anticipating Other Worlds, Animating Our Selves: An Invitation to Comparative Education

Iveta Silova   

  1. Center for Advanced Studies in Global Education, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University, Forest Mall, Tempe, AZ 85287-1611, USA
  • Published:2020-03-11

摘要: 本文旨在将教育-以及我们自身 (our selves)-置于不止于人类世界的多重世界的背景下进行重新想象,在这些个世界中,万事万物(包括人类与非人类)都深刻地彼此关联着。本文的目的是通过有意识地进行两项假想实验-知识论和本体论意义上的“退步”-来达成的。借助这两项实验,看似跨越时空、互不相关的知识体系-欧洲的“异教”和13世纪的日本佛教-以及来自原住民研究、生态女性主义研究和去殖民性的(decolonial)学术研究,得以发生关联并进行对话。这些假想实验,是以围绕着教育(education)和学校教育(schooling)而提出的一系列“如果……又如何……”式的问题来完成的,但有时候,这个过程也会被栩栩然飞舞于灭绝边缘的蝴蝶所投下的阴影所打断。本文提议从两个方面入手,对教育进行激进的重新想象。首先,它邀请读者将教育重构为连接不同世界的“结缔组织”,其意在促成团结,而不是对这些世界加以分化、排序和评定高下。其次,本文提议将教育重新界定为一种机遇,让我们学习如何期待与那些不止于人类的多重世界的不断缠结(entanglement),并为这种缠结赋予生机活力。这要求我们借助比较意义上的“其他选择”,将学习重新界定为一种相遇,将相遇重新界定为一种学习。本文的价值在于,将“化生”(metamorphosis)的概念作为西方形而上学的一剂“解毒药”,把教育重新置于一个包含有更多可能性的更宽泛的背景之下,这些可能性不仅包括那些被视作理所当然的求知和存在的方式,也包括对空间和时间的观念。

关键词: 边界思维, 比较教育学, 不止于人类世界的多重世界, 多重宇宙, SF

Abstract: This article aims to reimagine education – and our selves – within the context of multiple, more-than-human worlds where everything and everyone (both human and non-human) are deeply interrelated. The aim is achieved by purposefully pursuing two speculative thought experiments – an epistemological and an ontological “regressions” – to connect and bring into conversation seemingly unrelated knowledge systems across space and time – European “paganism” and 13th century Japanese Buddhism, as well as excerpts from indigenous, ecofeminist, and decolonial scholarship. These speculative thought experiments are conducted through a series of “and if” questions around education and schooling, occasionally interrupted by shadows of butterflies fluttering at the edge of extinction. The article proposes to radically reimagine education in two ways. First, it invites readers to reconfigure education as a “connective tissue” between different worlds, bringing together rather than differentiating, ranking, and hierarchizing them. Second, it proposes to reframe education as an opportunity to learn how to anticipate and animate our ongoing entanglement with more-than-human worlds. This entails reframing learning as encountering and encountering as learning through comparison “otherwise”. Using the concept of “metamorphosis” as an antidote to Western metaphysics, the article re-situates education within a wider set of possibilities in relation to the taken-for-granted ways of knowing and being, as well as the notions of space and time.

Key words: border thinking, comparative education, more-than-human worlds, pluriverse, SF