华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 1-20.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.12.001

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  1. 南京师范大学教育社会学研究中心,南京 210097
  • 发布日期:2020-12-17
  • 基金资助:

Sociology of Education in Mainland China: Interruption & Loss (1949—1979), A Comparison Based on the “Sky of History”

Cheng Tianjun   

  1. Center for Sociology of Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
  • Published:2020-12-17

摘要: 对于1949—1979中国大陆教育社会学30年的中断史,不宜一笔带过或模糊对待。基于“历史的天空”进行比较研究,不失为考察学科中断及其损失的有效方法。经与苏联比较发现,当中国还在“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”地重演“老大哥”教育社会学停滞之路时,苏联教育社会学却在20世纪六七十年代获得了飞速发展并达至高峰。经与中国台湾地区的比较发现,二者“同根不同果”:不同于大陆的完全中断,其时的台湾教育社会学完成了从“再生”到“奠基”的学科发展、从传统“规范”教育社会学到新兴“证验”教育社会学的范式转型这两大任务。经与国际比较发现,同期世界教育社会学学派林立、百家争鸣、人才辈出且发展迅速,实现了教育社会学从边际向主流学科地位提升的转变。在改革开放伊始,30年的中断让我们身陷时空双盲:既淡忘于被“打入冷宫”的中国近代教育社会学近30年的创业历史,也陌生于打开国门后世界教育社会学蓬勃发展的鲜活现实,以致我们不得不重头学起,进行教育社会学发展史上迄今闻所未闻的所谓“学科重建”。

关键词: 教育社会学, 学科中断, 中国大陆, “历史的天空”, 学科史研究

Abstract: As for the 30-year interruption of the sociology of education in mainland China from 1949—1979, it is inappropriate to touch on it lightly or vaguely, and a comparison based on the ‘sky of history’ is an effective way to review it and its loss. Compared with Soviet Union, it is found that while China was following & surpassing this Big Brother’s old disastrous road, its sociology of education had achieved rapid progress and peaked in the 1960—70s. And a comparison with Taiwan demonstrates that the both sides have the same root but different consequences. Unlike the complete interruption in mainland China, sociology of education in Taiwan at that time fulfilled two tasks of transforming from ‘sprouting’ to ‘laying foundation’ and from educational sociology to sociology of education. In the same period, sociology of education throughout the world developed quickly and promoted its discipline status from the edge to the mainstream. When China’s Opening & Reform came, the 30-year interruption had left us Chinese scholars blind both in time and space. We forgot the nearly 30-year-entrepreneurial-history of the sociology of education in China which had been swept aside during the interruption and also was unfamiliar with the flourishing of the international sociology of education at that moment. As a result, we had to restart learning and carry out the so-called ‘discipline re-construction’ which had never been heard before in the history of the development of sociology of education.

Key words: educational sociology/sociology of education, disciplinary interruption, P. R. China, the “sky of history”, disciplinary history studies