参与民主是学校管理方式转变的目标与方向。为了分析公立中小学校管理方式民主转变的现状与影响因素,本研究对103所学校的99位校长、4 890位教师进行了问卷调查。研究结果显示,当前学校管理中的民主参与处于表面参与阶段,存在参与程度不足、参与机会不均和参与内容受到限制等问题。影响学校管理方式实现民主转变的因素包括行政阻碍等、制度阻碍、观念阻碍和理念阻碍等。为此,教育行政部门应转变教育行政方式,科学适度放权;中小学校要健全民主制度,完善学校内部治理结构;校长应转变威权领导风格,建立管理者与参与者的平等关系。
Participatory democracy is the goal and direction of the transformation of school management styles. This study, based on a survey of 99 principals and 4,890 teachers in 103 schools, considers the status quo and influential factors of the democratic transformation in public primary and secondary schools.The results show that the current democratic participation in school management is kind of surface participation, and there exist such problems as insufficient participation, unequal participation and limited participation.Factors affecting the democratic transformation of school management include hindrance in administration, system, concept and idea. Therefore, it's suggested that education authorities should transform their governing modes by scientific decentralization. Primary and secondary schools should strive to build a sound democratic system by improving the internal governance structures. In addition, principals should change their authoritarian style and establish effective partnership between managers and participants.
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