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    24 April 2015, Volume 33 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Educational Theory(教育理论)
    The Ultimate Pursuit of Knowledge Ethics and its Logic and Structure
    HAO Wen wu
    2015, 33 (1):  1-10.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.001
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    School of Education,Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China) Abstract: Knowledge ethics is the pursuit of values and moral ideals in the process of knowledge generation and its application. Besides, knowledge ethics provides the foundation and logic of the process. Social morality and individual morality have various levels in specific societies and eras. However, it has long been the common pursuit of human moral ideal and knowledge ethics to pursue the core value as the single orientation, comprehensively promote rational basic good and material good as the bottom line. Knowledge ethics has its own logic and structures, some determined by moral ideals and norms of a nation, some by scientific and cultural knowledge structures and others by the eras and nationality of knowledge.
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    Rousseau’s Educational Intention
    1、LIU Liang hua;2、ZENG Shi ping
    2015, 33 (1):  11-17.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.002
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    It seems that there is a paradoxical relationship or a tension between Rousseau’s The Social Contract and his Emile. The Social Contract focuses on “society”, denying human’s “State of Nature”, while Emile is individualoriented, emphasizing the importance of “natural education”. But according to Rousseau’s educational intention, the two writings are actually based on the same principle and consistent with each other. On the surface, Rousseau’s The Social Contract denies “the State of Nature”, but in essence it imitates “the State of Nature”, that is, building a civil society by “Learning from Nature”. Further, in The Social Contract Rousseau focuses his discussion on the education of the ordinary citizens (namely, mass education). Emile is not the opposite of The Social Contract. Its aim is to cultivate the legislator for the civil society (namely, elite education). Emile is more important than The Social Contract for the reason that the legislator plays a greater role in society than the ordinary citizens.
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    Intuition of Educational Phenomenon and its Fitting Value for Educational World
    WANG Wei hua
    2015, 33 (1):  18-24.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.003
    Abstract ( 654 )   HTML ( 46 )   PDF (478KB) ( 1783 )   Save
    Educational phenomenon is a spiritual reality in people’s consciousness, which is also considered as the educational world itself. Unlike educational illusion, educational symbols and educational presentation, educational phenomenon demonstrates itself by itself. Intuition of educational phenomenon aims to obtain authentic knowledge of the educational world. First, this intuition needs a phenomenological epoche in the process of cognition; second, it is an analysis of the educational spiritual reality; third, the intuitive content should be as comprehensive as possible; and finally, this intuition should also be involved in the whole process of the educational world. Educational intuition therefore plays a significant role in understanding the educational world. It can not only reveal nature of general education in specific phenomenon, but also highlight the existence of people in the educational world. However, the greatest value occurs in the ecological field of educational practice, which will transform education from being resultoriented to being processoriented.
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    Generation of Situation in Educational Research Methodology
    2015, 33 (1):  26-30.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.004
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    Educational researches are always accompanied by methods and methodology. Methodology is the premise and basis of any research work, which can provide the evidence of the selection and application of methods. The changes in methodology lead the value orientation of research. The acquisition of methodology is inseparable from the learning of research methods, however, it is subject to the technologybased methods and knowledgebased methodology. Educational research methodology which adheres to research values must be generated from research contexts.
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    Analysis of Rationality in Restarting the Education Reform Agenda
    SHAO Ze bin
    2015, 33 (1):  31-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.005
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    Restarting the education reform agenda implies the support, affirmation and transcendence of the first stage of the education reform starting from the 1980s. Its rationality and necessity are reflected in three aspects: firstly, the support for education reform needs to accumulate again, which is the social foundation for restarting education reform; secondly, the intractable problems with the education reform need to be overcome, which is the power basis for restarting education reform; thirdly, the operation modes of the education reform need to be transformed, which is the systematic foundation for restarting education reform.
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    Dominant Forms, Insight and Resistance in School Education
    LI Zhi-Qiang
    2015, 33 (1):  38-44.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.006
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    From "what is the most valuable knowledge" to "whose knowledge is the most valuable", critical education researchers tend to use such concepts as ideology, hegemony, symbolic violence to analyze the dominant forms in school education. Students from the subordinate class can obtain insight by drawing on their parents’ culture and contradictions within hegemony. Therefore, the resistance resulting from insight involves a variety of forms, but insight is not the only action mode of the subordinate students, resistance and obedience based on different motives should also be paid attention to.
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    Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Surface Structure
    ZHANG Chao zhen1 SHU Huana2
    2015, 33 (1):  45-50. 
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    The flipped classroom is a structural system including such elements as media, teachers, curriculum students. The interaction among these elements result in three subsystems: Teacher Media Course system, Student Media Course system and Teacher Problems Students system. Each subsystem presents different surface structures and deep structures. In an effective flipped classroom, teachers are required to understand the value and importance of deep structural flipped classroom, cope with the problems such as technical control, knowledge orientation and superficial interaction. Also, teachers should achieve the goal of higher level student development in discipline thinking, positive emotional communication and experience and critical reflective consciousness.
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    Fallacy and Clarification in Discourse Analysis: Pedagogical Review of Current Educational Research
    LIU Yan nan
    2015, 33 (1):  51-59. 
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    The linguistic shift in current educational research refers to educational concepts and discourse analysis of propositions as the basic tasks in educational researches, which aims to clarify the logical fallacy of pedagogical language in order to make the language more accurate. However, analysis of the pedagogical discourse is actually to explore the hidden education ideas and behavior objectives. In addition, it's the exploring process of turning symbol into meaning, as well as a tool of theoretical analysis. Therefore, a pedagogical critical reflection of pedagogical language is the basic prerequisite for the reinterpretation of educational concepts and propositions. Despite the various tools in educational researches, their respective purposes and stance are unique——aiming at pedagogy itself.
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    A Study of the Inherent Logic of University Function
    DAN Feng
    2015, 33 (1):  60-66. 
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    Rather than a linear process from single to multiple functions, the development of university function has its own inherent logic. University function involves beyond academic teaching, academic research, cultural inheritance and social service, in which there are rich contents, open to various explanation and understanding. If university is not understood within the same logic framework, no doubt this will lead to ambiguity, deviation and generalization in understanding the key concepts, finally misinterpreting “university”. Academic teaching and academic research are the “body” of university function while cultural inheritance and social service are the “usage” of university function. And the integration of both body and usage is the inherent logic of the development of university function. University should focus on improving the quality of academic teaching and academic research in order to cultivate professional talents of advanced learning, noble minds and critical thinking, and to promote cultural selection and criticism, cultural inheritance and innovation in support of social development.
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    Embodied Economics: A New Approach to Exploring Economic Psychology and Behaviors
    DOU Dong hui ; PENG Kai ping ; YU Feng ; LIU Xiao cen
    2015, 33 (1):  67-76. 
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    Traditional economics has long been a disembodied economics, excluding physical factors from its theoretical system. Instead, embodied economics is an approach to (neuro)economics that takes into account how information provided by bodily signals, the physical presence and displacements of others (or its imagination) influence the way we make economic decisions. A large number of recent economics psychological researches on how movements, gestures and body states influence decisionmaking, evaluation, risktaking and consumer behaviors have laid a solid empirical foundation for embodied economics. A better understanding of the impact of physical factors on our economic thinking and behaviors helps to enrich our knowledge of the dynamics of economic decisionmaking in individual and social contexts, thus making both economics and psychology relevant to real life.
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    The Application of Experience Sampling Method and its Advantages in Emotion Regulation Research
    DENG Xin mei ;DING Xue chen; SANG Biao
    2015, 33 (1):  77-83. 
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    The present review aims to introduce the role and implication of Experience Sampling Method (ESM) in the studies of emotion regulation. Dynamic nature of emotion and emotion development, naturalistic emotion evoked situation, and various contributions of emotion development require researchers to make further methodological considerations when conducting emotion and emotion development studies. ESM takes advantages in emotion regulation research for several reasons: firstly, continuous and repeated assessment of momentary emotional events and relevant variables at regular frequent intervals throughout a relatively long period make it less susceptible to memory bias and implicit emotional attitude; secondly, experience sampling method puts emotional events in real social settings, thus improving the ecological validity of the study; thirdly, researchers could conduct multilevel and multivariate statistical analysis of massive sampling data and fruitful information by using ESM. In conclusion, ESM will be used more and more with further studies of emotion and emotion regulation.
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    The Relationship between Immoral Online Behaviors and Social Responsibility: The Moderate Role of Moral Identity
    WU Peng;LIU Hua shan
    2015, 33 (1):  84-90. 
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    Through questionnaire, we attempt to analyze the relationship between immoral online behaviors and social responsibility among adolescence. 676 students from 12 classes participating in the research completed three questionnaires. The results indicate that adolescence score high in social responsibility and moral identity and have only a few immoral online behaviors. Our regression analysis indicates that social responsibility can predict the immoral online behaviors. Our moderation analysis shows that symbolization of moral identity can regulate the relationship between social responsibility and immoral online behavior. Further, for students whose score on symbolization of moral identity is high, the social responsibility can predict the immoral online behavior. But, for students whose score on symbolization of moral identity is low, the social responsibility can't predict the immoral online behavior. The article concludes with the discussion about the implications of our research for moral education.
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    Theoretical Modalities of Descriptive Psychology
    WANG Shen lian ; GUO Ben yu
    2015, 33 (1):  91-96. 
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    Descriptive psychology was a branch of human science psychology, cofounded by Brentano and Dilthey at the start up period of scientific psychology. It held that we should present the whole picture of human mental life as what it is through phenomenological description or hermeneutical understanding. Descriptive psychology evolved along rigorous scientific tradition and romantic tradition, each of which mainly exhibited three distinctive theoretical modalities. The former included Brentano’ s act descriptive psychology, Stumpf’ s functional descriptive psychology, and Husserl’ s essential descriptive psychology; the latter included Dilthey’s lived experience descriptive psychology, Spranger’s structural descriptive psychology, and Stern’s personality descriptive psychology. Each of all the six theoretical modalities had its own basic principles, theoretical focus, and methodology preference. They formed a strong alliance to prevent psychology from becoming a nature science within the framework of descriptive psychology. They jointly opposed genetic psychology or explanatory psychology built on nature science and created by Wundt and others.
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    Cultural Evolution and Improved Children’s School Life: A Comparative Analysis of the Survey in Fifteen Provinces, Cities and Autonomous Regions
    LI Xiao wen 1 WANG Xiao li 2
    2015, 33 (1):  97-103. 
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    By comparing the data based on 20178 questionnaires targeting students from the third grade to eighth grade in fifteen provinces, cities and autonomous regions nationwide, the authors analyze the characteristics of cultural evolution and the formation of children’s school life condition from the perspective of the difference in local culture, economic conditions and school types. The findings indicate that the examtaking pressure is related to regional economic conditions and cultural tradition, and that the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education as well as the plentiful cultural activities are beneficial to the students’ learning state and teacherstudent relationship. Therefore, in order to carry out integrated school cultural activities, it is necessary to enhance and expand the traditional culture based on the stimulation of students’ learning potential.
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    Educational History(教育史)
    Curriculum Rationales and Teaching Patterns in Guangdong Academies in the Qing Dynasty
    1.ZHOU Yan hong WANG Jian jun
    2015, 33 (1):  104-113. 
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    Ancient curriculum refers to students’ selfregulated learning processes according to the defined test objectives. Based on the data about learning rules in Guangdong academies in the Qing Dynasty, we discuss two patterns of curriculum, one was designed for imperial examinations and the other was designed to promote the learning of ancient history. This difference resulted in the dividing line between the “coursefocused” academy and the “noncourse” academy, as well as two distinctive teaching styles, leading to different teaching effects. In the “noncourse” academy, teaching tended to focus on the content of imperial examinations and the students were eager for fame instead of knowledge. On the other hand, the “course”focused” academy focused on practical learning, emphasized ethos connoted learning, and ensured students’ selfregulated learning. This showed teaching returned to the authenticity of the traditional education, i.e. the essence of academy reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
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    National Imagination and the Ideology of Educational Films in Republic of China
    ZHOU Huimei LI Yuan
    2015, 33 (1):  112-117. 
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    Before and after May Forth Movement, an increasing number of educational films were produced in China, such as Education of the Blind Children and Driving off the Mosquitoes which were produced by the Commercial Press. After that, due to the need of ideology propaganda and the national economic and cultural development, the Nanjing National Government included educational films in its commercial system so as to mobilize the public, imagine the modern nation, and shape the new citizen. Meanwhile, educational films expanded the coverage of education by penetrating education elements in the entertaining films. Moreover, the nonprofit encouragement by the government led to an unprecedented interaction and a discourse system between the intelligentsia and the lower classes, hence the modern common sense. National imagination had a deep influence on the direction of ideology of the educational films.
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    The Frontiers and Evolution of International Researches on Educational Anthropology (1965-2013)
    GAN Yong tao
    2015, 33 (1):  118-124. 
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    Since the 1960s, educational anthropology has made great progress worldwide, with a rapidly expanding research community, more diversified research methods, a large number of research findings and gradually extending research fields. Using Web of Science as data source, this article analyzes the knowledge mapping of 5316 articles published between 1965 and 2013 in educational anthropology. The analysis shows that the number of published articles related to the educational anthropology is growing rapidly; the distribution of the authors is dispersed; core authors have not yet been wellestablished.Besides, the uneven distribution of both the institutions and journals is relatively aggregated and highly dispersed. The hot topics and frontier researches in educational anthropology change with the times. The themes of the related frontier research can be classified into three groups: study on the evaluation, on the purpose and on the effectiveness of the implementation of educational anthropology. According to the characteristics of the evolution of educational anthropology, the knowledge base of education as a discipline has gradually shaped and become mature in the 1990s. In addition, researches on educational equity and some educational anthropology researches from the perspective of specific culture have become the knowledge base of educational anthropology at different times.
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