The Development of Curriculum Theory in the Era of Information Technology
Jin Yule, Zhang Mingkai, Meng Xianyun
2019, 37 (4):
doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.04.005
Information technology profoundly affects the development of curriculum theory. On the one hand, the development of curriculum theory is challenged by information technology, such as transformation of knowledge from static determination to interactive creation, cognition leap from substantive thinking to intelligent thinking, and reconstruction of social environment from local influence to overall change. On the other hand, the new social environment, knowledge form reform and thinking modes offer the opportunities created by information technology to promote the development of curriculum theory. Therefore, in the information technology era, it's important to establish new concepts, including humanization of essence of curriculum, diversification of values, dynamic development of design, electronization of teaching materials, as well as platform-based implementation, networked evaluation and synergy of management. Also, new researches need to be done in the following areas:development of online courses, creation of electronic curriculum resources, integration of classrooms and information technology, ethical issues of the development of curriculum theory driven by information technology, and the scale of the development of information technology.
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