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    20 November 2021, Volume 39 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Twenty Years of New Education Initiative: Review, Summary and Prospect
    Yongxin Zhu
    2021, 39 (11):  1-44.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.001
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    Since the beginning of the new century, New Education Initiative has clung to various value criteria such as persisting idealism, in-depth field consciousness, cooperative attitude of living together, and compassionate public welfare. Taking teacher growth as the logical starting point, “Ten Actions” incorporating building a scholarly campus and related courses as the path, and helping members of the new education community “live a happy life full of education” as the goal, New Education Experiment has undergone fruitful exploration. In the past two decades, some educational philosophy and actions proposed by New Education Initiative including “teacher growth model” and “creating a scholarly campus” have played a vital role in promoting teacher professional development, building a society with reading atmosphere, and facilitating mutual education among families, schools, communities and governments. They have also made positive contributions to giving impetus to the combination of educational theory and practice, combating educational alienation, returning to the essence of education, and improving the regional education ecology on a large scale. Looking forward to the future, we will continue to consummate the curriculum system, build up trial future learning centres, explore the teacher training system, strive to make New Education Initiative as a banner of quality-oriented education and become a new school of education rooted in China.

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    Can Programming Really Promote the Individual Development of Children? A Meta-analysis of 28 Experimental and Quasi-experimental Studies
    Lihui Sun, Linlin Hu
    2021, 39 (11):  45-58.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.002
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    As a basic accomplishment for children to face, adapt to the future and transform the future, programming has been constantly paid more and more attention to and attached importance to. However, how much educational value it has, for this reason, many scholars have carried out a large number of experiments and quasi-experimental studies based on the individual development of children, but the results are not the same. The question of whether programming can actually promote the individual development of children remains a subject of academic debate. Based on this, this study uses the meta-analysis method to quantitatively analyze 28 foreign experiments and quasi-experimental studies on the influence of programming on the individual development of children. It is found that: (1) overall, the combined effect size of the included studies is 0.61, which is in the upper-middle level, indicating that programming can positively promote the individual development of children; (2) specifically, programming can significantly and positively promote students’ cognitive development, behavioral development and emotional development; (3) compared with primary schools and preschools, programming plays a more prominent role in children’s separate development in middle schools; (4) compared with medium-term and long-term programming activities, short-term programming activities have a more significant promoting effect on children’s individual development; (5) programming has a greater effect on children’s individual development in small-scale samples than in medium and large samples; (6) different programming forms have different effects, among which unplugged programming has a more significant effect on children’s individual development. Based on the findings of the research conclusions, it is expected to provide reference for the future research and practice of programming for children in China.

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    A Study of Causal Expression and Characteristics of Logical Thinking in Children’s Writing: An Analysis Based on the Writing Samples of 1800 Elementary School Students
    Shuwen Li, Manli Li
    2021, 39 (11):  59-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.003
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    Written speech is a well-organized form of speech. It requires children to conduct thoughtful analysis, which is a complex and deeper thinking activity. This study uses the writing samples of 1,800 elementary school students in China as a sample to analyze the causal expression characteristics of children, and to explore the development characteristics of children’s causal logical thinking. The study found that: (1) although children’s use of causal expressions increase with grades, each grade shows different characteristics. (2) Facing causal expression of different cognitive complexity, children tend to use descriptive causal expression in writing. (3) There is a “fifth grade phenomenon” in the use of causal expression, that is, fifth grade children are more sensitive to causal logic expression. Based on the above research findings, we have put forward some suggestions for the literacy education of primary school students in China.

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    Characterization of Deeper Learning: The Development and Application of Evaluation Tools: Based on Mathematics Learning of Primary School Students in Four Cities
    Hang Hu, Xue Mi, Yaxin Li, Qi’e Lang
    2021, 39 (11):  73-85.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.004
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    Deeper learning quality includes individual learners, groups and deeper learning system. On the one hand, it is highly recognized by theoretical research; on the other hand, the difficulty of evaluation hinders in-depth research and classroom practice. Schema and SOLO theory provide a psychological basis for deeper learning evaluation, while the thinking visualization technology provides evaluation tools, so the learning thinking visualization system is designed and developed, including learning strategy software, cognitive structure software and PDA products. Using the developed evaluation system, the study diagnosed the math learning of more than 4,000 primary school students in S (east China), C (northeast China), W (central China) and K (southwest China). Through the analysis of a large amount of data, three conclusions are drawn: first, learning strategy and cognitive structure can be used as the effect quantity of deeper learning quality; second, the visualization system of learning thinking is effective in evaluating deeper learning; third, deeper learning classroom should be improved from the following three aspects: (1) learning content, we should pay attention to the integration of subject content, learning strategy and cognitive structure; (2) learning mode, we should focus on the operation mode and the structure of personalized learning and cooperative learning; (3) thinking quality, we should pay attention to the construction and generation of complex schema. The development and application of deeper learning quality evaluation tools will effectively improve the operability of deeper learning implementation.

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    Reflections on Modernity for the Sustainable Development of Education in China
    Xiaowei Yang
    2021, 39 (11):  86-99.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.005
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    The crisis of modernity has its causes, which is manifested in education. The solution should focus and reflect on issues such as the right and wrong of subjectivity and subject education, the arrogation of instrumental rationality over value rationality, the return to value rationality from instrumental rationality, global absorption and adherence to localization and the question whether information technology reforms education by supporting or leading it. In order to eliminate the crisis of modernity, education modernization should hold the basic attitude of both compatibility and enhancement to classical modernity, and crack it with the idea and action of sustainable development. On the conceptual level, cultural philosophy should be used for reflection; on the institutional level, the governance system and governance capacity should be enhanced simultaneously; on the technical level, the value fusion between people and things should be improved. What is the sustainable way to promote the modernization of education? This paper discusses the solutions from three aspects: one region one pattern, one school one plan and one person one “niche”, which means integrating the concept of sustainable development into the regional index system of education modernization, leading schools to develop characteristics with the school modernization standards, and creating a colorful, warm and friendly “niche” for every teacher and student.

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    Compilation and Comparative Research of China’s Education Index Based on the Framework of Human Development Index
    Dong Ren, Jie Zhang, Gaigai Cao, Yizhou Mao
    2021, 39 (11):  100-114.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.006
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    The education index under the framework of the human development index (HDI) is one of the three sub-indexes of the human development index compiled by the United Nations Development Programme. It is widely used in the comparative study of the international educational development level. According to the latest compilation method of education index under HDI framework, the paper calculates China’s education index from 1990 to 2018, and makes relevant international comparative analysis and comparative analysis of domestic regions. Calculation and analysis found that: vertically, China’s educational development has achieved remarkable results; horizontal comparison found that China’s education development still has a long way to go. Analysis of various regions in China found that the low level of education development in the western region is the main reason for the low level of education development in China. This paper puts forward some policy suggestions.

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    Research on the Development of Chinese College Graduates’ Employability under the Demand of International Talents: Based on the Expectation and Realization of Chinese College Graduates from German Enterprises in China
    Zhiting Zhu, Wesemann Boris, Hanbing Yan, Shibei Wang, Xiaoying Li, Wei Wang, A. Sedlák Robert
    2021, 39 (11):  115-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.007
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    In the context of global economic globalization, international talent demand has become one of the weathervanes of talent training in colleges and universities. Can Chinese college graduates meet the expectations of multinational companies after they join them? With this question as the starting point and 218 German Enterprises in China as the research samples, this study investigates the basic employment situation, ability development situation, especially the differences of enterprises’ expectations on them and their realization of Chinese college graduates who have been employed in these companies for 1—5 years. The research results show that Chinese college graduates generally receive more recognition in terms of hard power, such as subject knowledge or professional skills, but fall far short of the requirements of enterprises in terms of soft power, such as social skills and personal qualities. According to the results, combining to 30 German business work in China’s college graduates interview, this study put forward some suggestions on the cultivation of Chinese university way, including speeding up improve education level of vocational education in our country, accelerate the process of curriculum reform, build campus is advantageous to the comprehensive quality of ascension, and improve college students’ employment guidance of professional standards

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