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    20 December 2021, Volume 39 Issue 12 Previous Issue   
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    Study of Education Law in Perspective of Comparative Law: Orientation and Disciplinary System
    Huimin Qin, Jun Wang
    2021, 39 (12):  1-14.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.001
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    In civil law countries, the disciplinary system for study of education law takes the application of legal concepts in education field as the logical starting point, education law, education legal phenomena and its regularity as the research objects, the education law regulating educational order and adjusting rights and obligations of educational subjects in legal relations and the doctrinal logic as the analytical framework, the interaction between government-led educational reform and the legal system as the main line of attention, and theoretical difficulties in judicial disputes as guidelines for problems. In common law countries, the disciplinary system heavily depends on how individuals, as holders of rights, use legal concepts and modes of inference to resolve disputes and protect rights through legal techniques. In common law countries, the disciplinary system of educational jurisprudence depends heavily on how individuals, as holders of rights, use legal concepts and modes of inference to resolve disputes and protect rights through legal techniques. The orientation for study of education law requires a priority focus on a functional rather than a disciplinary orientation. The disciplinary system for study of education law is a knowledge and theory paradigm for studying and constructing a complete educational legal system based on the system of rights and obligations and the system of types and structures. Its scientificity requires an in-depth study of the basic theories and fundamental issues of the discipline, and its applicability needs to pay attention to the relevant problems that constantly arise in the reality inside and outside the education field.

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    Determining Sample Size in Qualitative Research: Saturation, its Conceptualization, Operationalization and Relevant Debates
    Ailei Xie, Jiayi Chen
    2021, 39 (12):  15-27.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.002
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    Saturation has become an important criterion to judge the quality of qualitative research and explain the rationality of sample size. This paper systematically and critically reviews the literature and introduces three types of saturation: theoretical saturation, thematical saturation and data saturation and points out that researchers should consider their own overall research design to decide which model to adopt. The paper also introduces three ways to record the process of saturation. Among them, the structural coding book is more suitable for recording deductive thematical saturation and data saturation. There are two types of saturation tables which are more suitable for recording a prior thematical saturation. The conceptual depth scale is particularly suitable for recording theoretical saturation. This paper points out that saturation is a process rather than an event. Quality rather than quantity is the key to understand saturation. Saturation itself should be a concrete methodology practice. Researchers should pay attention to the concept of saturation and make a clear statement of the process of achieving saturation, which can help to improve the standardization, transparency, quality and recognition of qualitative research.

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    Social Responsibility: The Core Characteristic of Top-notch Talents
    Kun Yan, Han Wu, Yuqi Zhang
    2021, 39 (12):  28-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.003
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    This article argues that social responsibility is one of the core characteristics of top-notch talents. At the very beginning, the article clarifies the necessity of cultivating social responsibility for top-notch talents. Then, the article analyzes the profound connotation and important elements of top-notch talents’ social responsibility based on the relative theories and models. Furthermore, the article analyzes the relationship between social responsibility and other characteristics crucial to the top-notch talents’ development. In the end, the article puts forward suggestions and guidance on the cultivation of top-notch talents’ social responsibility so that the programs and services can be enhanced.

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    Factors Influencing Chinese Returnees’ Employment Quality: Empirical Analysis Based on Ordinal Logistic Regression and ISM Model
    Yunyun Liu, Yinghua Ye
    2021, 39 (12):  42-58.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.004
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    With the “new generation returnees” of the post-80s and post-90s returning to China for development, their employment quality have attracted widespread attention. The paper takes socio-demographic background, education abroad, job search at home into account and analyzes how their contained factors affect Chinese returnees’ employment quality (objective side and subjective side). 203 Chinese returnees who returned to China within three years participated in this study and filled out a questionnaire. Based on ordinal logistic regression, the study found that return time, form of study abroad, area of study abroad, length of study abroad, degree, job search intensity, number of interviews, area of the working and sector type affect objective employment quality (i.e., average monthly income), while one child or not, degree, return time, form of study abroad, re-entry adaption, the time of getting the first job, number of interviews, number of offers, area of the working, sector type as well as objective employment quality affect subjective employment quality (i.e., job–person fit match, job satisfaction as well as turnover intention). In addition, by forming a multi-level directional relationship with Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM), the paper found that socio-demographic and part of the educational experience abroad play an underlying role in the employment quality model; educational outcome abroad (such as degree and re-entry adaption, etc.) are indirect factor at the middle level; job search at home is directly related to the quality of job employment. The results are analyzed and recommendations to promote high-quality job quality are made.

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    Research on the Resource Allocation of Compulsory Education in China from 2020 to 2035
    Jinzhong Qiao, Jingxuan Shen, Handong Li, Binglin Zhong
    2021, 39 (12):  59-80.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.005
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    The development of education should be forward-looking. Under the guidance of China’s Education Modernization 2035 Plan, it is necessary to conduct research on the change of the school-age population and the allocation of educational resources during the period of 2020—2035. The queue element method based on Leslie matrix and interview were adopted to predict the number of students, schools, teachers and the required funds of compulsory education during the period of 2020—2035. The results showed that: compared with 2020, the total number of students in compulsory education will drop by 30 million in 2035. Based on the current school size, 5,000 new primary schools should be built until 2026, with 4,000 new middle schools should be built until 2030. A large number of primary schools in rural areas will lie idle (37.3 thousand); Based on the current teacher-student ratio, the demand for full-time teachers in compulsory education is decreasing, with a surplus of about 1.49 million primary school teachers and 370 thousand junior high school teachers. In 2031, the number of compulsory education students in urban areas will exceed that in townships, and compulsory education will generally enter an era dominated by urban education. The transfer of students from rural areas to townships and urban areas should be fully considered, while it is suggested to plan the distribution of schools scientifically, improve the school-running standards, reduce the student-teacher ratio and the class size, optimize the allocation of teacher resources between preschool, nursery education and compulsory education.

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    An Exploration on Supervisor–postgraduate Relationship in China
    Jie Ma, Dunrong Bie
    2021, 39 (12):  81-98.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.006
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    The supervisor-postgraduate relationship plays a role in the quality of postgraduate education. The mode of supervisor-postgraduate relationship is moving from unity to diversity. Existent literature tends to conceptualize the supervisor and postgraduate as particular roles respectively and thus construct their relationship. This study attempts to move beyond the above literature focusing on the role play in constructing supervisor-postgraduate relationship and look at their relationship from an interpersonal perspective. Drawing upon Leary’s interpersonal circle constructed by Influence and Proximity as two axes, the study explores how these two dimensions are evaluated by both supervisors and postgraduates and thereafter types of supervisor-postgraduate relationship generated from the two axes, and the correlations between types of supervisor- postgraduate relationship and supervisors as well as students’ backgrounds, interaction, and the surrounding climate and conditions. Our study surveyed 3,903 supervisors and 865 postgraduates, and found that the supervisor-postgraduate relationship largely fell into the category of “equal and close” one, with “slightly equal but distant” one and “highly authoritative and distant” one co-existing. However, there seem poor correlations between different types of supervisor-postgraduate relationship and supervisors and students’ backgrounds; certain frequency and length of interaction seem to more correlate with “highly equal and close” supervisor-postgraduate relationship; and for postgraduate students, supportive climate and conditions regarding funding and wellbeing appear to more correlate with “equal and close” supervisor-postgraduate relationship.

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    Why and How to Build an Innovative and Entrepreneurial University
    Jianhua Wang
    2021, 39 (12):  99-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.007
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    The innovative and entrepreneurial university is artificially shaped based on the needs of economic and social development and the change of university development paradigm, and its formation needs the internal and external conditions. The external conditions mainly refer to the economic and technological paradigm of society, while the internal conditions mainly refer to the development paradigm of universities. For the establishment of innovative and entrepreneurial universities, external conditions play a decisive role, but this decisive role can only be realized based on the corresponding internal conditions. In this process, we should not only avoid bureaucratization of innovation and entrepreneurship and excessive utilitarianism, but also reasonably adjust the service boundary of universities and update the governance structure and organizational culture of universities.

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    The Value and Practice Path of Integrating Public Welfare Elements into Labor Education in Universities: Experience from the Public Welfare Talent Training Program of East China Normal University
    Yang Si, Jingjing Zhang, Xinyue Li, Ruolan Wen
    2021, 39 (12):  107-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.008
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    The purpose of labor education in colleges and universities is to foster morality and cultivate socialist builders and successors.This requires the integration of public welfare elements, the promotion of the ideological and political value of labor education with the public concept of public welfare for everyone, the realization of high-level labor education by facing the real environment and innovative learning methods, and the cultivation of learners’ charity personality to promote the all-round development of people. This research, based on the experience and analysis of the “East China Normal University Zijiang Public Welfare Talent Training Project”; explores the goals, methods and ways of incorporating public welfare elements into labor education, and builds a public welfare labor education system to make labor education goals more specific, educational forms more diversified and more adequate resource carriers, to enhance the effectiveness of cultivation. The construction of the labor education system should draw on the achievements of voluntary public welfare education, improve the traditional labor education model through the cultivation of public welfare personality. Also, it should absorb and transform teachers, courses, interest clubs and practice bases to meet the requirements of labor education; effectively rely on curriculum, applied courses, and frontier courses, explicit courses of cutting-edge courses; combined with practical courses of student associations, public welfare services, and public welfare innovation, explore and improve new evaluation methods, build a linkage and radiation mechanism for public welfare labor and education bases inside and outside the university.

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    Chen Bochui’s Textbook Practice and Thinking
    Ge Guo
    2021, 39 (12):  116-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.009
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    Chen Bochui made important contribution to Chinese textbooks, especially to primary school Chinese textbooks. Between the 1930s and 1950s, he successively worked in Beixin Bookstore, Children Publishing House, National Institute for Compilation and Translation, People’s Education Press, when he compiled multiple textbooks and teaching references, such as Beixin Mandarin Textbooks (1932), Renaissance Mandarin Textbook (1934), National Mandarin Common Sense Textbook for Primary School (1943), Mandarin Textbooks for Senior Primary Schools (1945), Mandarin Textbooks for Junior Primary Schools (1955), the first national textbook of the People’s Republic, and Mandarin Textbooks for Senior Primary Schools (1957), etc. Besides, he made intensive study on primary school textbooks and Chinese textbooks. His research was concerned on definition, meaning, purpose, types, compilation principles, preparation methods of textboosk, relationship between textbooks and Children’s reading and his textbook ideas is original, systematical, theory integrated with practice.

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