

  • 高瑞翔 ,
  • 曾麒源 ,
  • 范志灵 ,
  • 吴嘉政 ,
  • 李依娜 ,
  • 范尹晴 ,
  • 莫雷
  • 华南师范大学心理学院,广州 510631

网络出版日期: 2020-04-13



An Empirical Research Based on Word Association Tests: The Development of Learning Concepts among Chinese Students from the Perspective of “Virtue and Mind Model”

  • Gao Ruixiang ,
  • Zeng Qiyuan ,
  • Fan Zhiling ,
  • Wu Jiazheng ,
  • Li Yina ,
  • Fan Yinqing ,
  • Mo Lei
  • School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

Online published: 2020-04-13




高瑞翔 , 曾麒源 , 范志灵 , 吴嘉政 , 李依娜 , 范尹晴 , 莫雷 . “美德—心智”视阈下我国学生学习概念的发展——基于字词联想测验的实证研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2020 , 38(4) : 83 -95 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.007


Students’ learning concepts, i.e., epistemological beliefs about learning from emic perspective, have resulted from their intuition about learning phenomena and the experience. In the late 20th century, Chinese American Professor Jin Li conducted systematic research on structural differences between Western and East Asian learning concept models, using adult college students as subjects and Word Association Tests. She concluded that Western way of learning emphasizes on “Mind Orientation” while Chinese or Asian learning model focuses on “Virtue Orientation”. We examined the development of learning concepts among Chinese students ranging from first graders of primary school to college juniors, with some amendments to Li’s methods. The result shows that Chinese learning concepts evolve with age from “Virtue Only Model” to “Virtue and Mind Model”. This is because virtue-oriented learning tradition is deeply rooted in today’s Chinese students, but global cultural integration and modern education system have also brought about increasing element of mind model. For the foreseeable future, the gap between Virtue and Mind models is sure to be narrowed and even eliminated. And the ideal education vision of learning model should pay balanced attention to both virtue and mind.


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