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    01 March 2022, Volume 40 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Children’s Age Staging: Conceptual Tools for Reconstructing Educational History
    Binxian Zhang
    2022, 40 (3):  1-9.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.001
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    Expanding the research scope and expanding the discipline boundary are the main paths to the discipline construction of educational history in recent decades. With the passage of time, the limitation of epitaxial growth benefit is becoming more and more obvious. This article advocates drawing on the research results of relevant disciplines, introducing children’s age stages as a conceptual tool for understanding educational history, and investigating the historical process of education from the relationship between the change of age stages and educational evolution, so as to change the research perspective and promote the connotation development of the discipline of educational history.

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    Privacy Risk of Teaching Space in the Era of Information Technology
    Conggen Yan, Danqin Chen
    2022, 40 (3):  10-19.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.002
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    Although the teaching space is not a private space, it does have privacy requirements. Establishing, respecting and maintaining the right to privacy in teaching spaces is the need to protect the dignity of teachers and students, ensure freedom of teaching, promote the outstanding growth of teachers and students, and ensure the regular operation of teaching organizations. In the era of information technology, private information in the teaching space is easy to be collected and disseminated, and easier to be reused, causing unpredictable privacy violations. Even the legal method of “notification and permission” and anonymous technical treatment can not effectively reduce the privacy risk of teaching space. Although the privacy risk in the teaching space in the era of information technology is almost impossible to be eliminated, it should be reduced as much as possible. To this end, it is necessary to reshape privacy ethics, reconstruct science and technology ethics, legislate to establish the privacy rights of teaching spaces, clarify the responsibilities of schools and parents, and strengthen privacy protection education for teachers and students.

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    Research on the Mechanism of Principal Curriculum Leadership Components in Primary and Secondary Schools: An Empirical Study Based on PLS-SEM
    Lv Lijie, Ding Yiran
    2022, 40 (3):  20-29.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.003
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    Principal curriculum leadership is an important guarantee for school curriculum development, teachers’ professional development and students’ quality improvement. Based on the concept interpretation and dimension decomposition of principal's curriculum leadership, this study discusses the constituent elements and mechanism of principal curriculum leadership. Taking principals of primary and secondary schools as the research objects, descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM were used to analyze the status quo and model test, respectively, to explore the relationship between principals’ curriculum awareness and curriculum leadership effectiveness. The results show that principals of primary and secondary schools have strong ability of curriculum planning and management, but weak ability of curriculum awareness and curriculum assessment. Principals’ curriculum management ability and curriculum assessment ability have a direct impact on curriculum leadership effectiveness, while principals’ curriculum awareness has a positive impact on curriculum leadership effectiveness through six mediation pathways (including four chain mediation roles). Based on the above research results, suggestions are put forward to pay attention to the scientific and accurate training of principals’ curriculum leadership, strengthen the empirical research on the emotional and intellectual elements of principals’ curriculum leadership, and build a narration-based mechanism for improving principals’ curriculum leadership.

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    Public Opinion on Education in the Post-truth Era
    Feng Tian
    2022, 40 (3):  30-39.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.004
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    The post-truth phenomenon is obviously manifested in the field of education. The post-truth phenomenon, initially defined as political manipulation of public opinion, has evolved into “circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”. By systematically analyzing the characteristics, manifestations and causes of post-truth public opinion on education, this paper proposes the concepts, principles and methods for governance of post-truth public opinion on education at governmental, social and personal levels.

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    Left-behind Experience and Withdrawal Personality: An Empirical Analysis of New Generation Migrant Workers
    Zhijun Liu
    2022, 40 (3):  40-56.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.005
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    Using the survey data of 2,385 new generation migrant workers, the relationship between left-behind experience in childhood and individual withdrawal personality was investigated through relevant behavioral tendency variables. The results showed that those with left-behind experience were more likely to “not express labor rights complaints for fear of being fired or being dealt with despitely”, showing a relatively withdrawal personality characteristics. Among them, those who had been left-behind during preschool period are most significant influenced, and the longer been left-behind, the greater the influence. The robustness of the above conclusion was verified by comparison analysis before and after propensity score matching and reference analysis of the willingness variable of “whether or not willing to participate in rights movement to fight for oneself” and the behavior variable of “not to complain about the infringement of rights for fear of revenge”. This paper focuses on the measurement of behavioral tendency in real situations to verify the conclusions drawn from psychological scale and qualitative research, and shows that the long-term influence of left-behind experience on withdrawal personality can be extended from college students and other groups to ordinary migrant workers. The results also indicate that in addition to structural logic and historical logic, the study of new generation of migrant workers should be integrated into the ecological logic to pay attention to the developmental ecosystem in childhood. Because withdrawal personality will directly affect social integration and probably lead to social structure tension of “semi-urbanization”, the future care and protection of left-behind children should pay more attention to their personality development, and special attention should be paid to those children left-behind in preschool stage.

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    The Elites with Poor and Humble Families:Cultural Reproduction and Resistance in Elite Universities
    Tong Xiao
    2022, 40 (3):  57-74.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.006
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    School is not only a place for education, but also an important territory for cultural production and social insight. Through the mixed research paradigm, a five-stage stratified random sampling of 1, 013 rural students was conducted. The two-year follow-up survey recorded the resistance strategies of 18 rural students in elite universities and their transition from students to teachers. The research finds that: in the face of the arbitrariness of “General Culture” in elite universities, the sense of justice and value embodied in “study” is constantly impacted. In the interaction of life experience and dominant structure, students carries out more oriented cultural production around the ethical possibility space of rural “Duty Sense”. When students become teachers and assume the function of “relaisecram” of social reproduction, accompanied by the dangerous leap from “morality” to “rationality” of its survival ethics, "Duty Sense" is once again transferred into the ideology of the school through the civilizing power between social succession, and become the symbol of their conversion to the system.

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    Universalization of Teacher Education: Reflection and Reconstruction
    Xiaohong Zhu, Meng Wang
    2022, 40 (3):  75-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.007
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    Universitization of teacher education has become a world trend. The consensus of university education among countries in the world is to foster the unity of scientific research and talent cultivation. However, the conflicts between academic and artistic in the past and the current disputes over specialization, professionalization and deregulation have always existed in the reform of teacher education in universities in various countries and also perplexed the choice of teacher training mode, which is even stuck in the dilemma of educational ethics. Some universities tend to increase the novice teacher teaching experience with internship courses, but they cannot avoid the negative impact of their teaching behavior mistakes on primary and secondary school students. Adhering to the unity of history and logic research principle, this paper systematically summarizes the history of teacher education in university involvement, and investigates the evolution of the relationship between educational research and pre-service training, and focuses on the main contradictions in the process of universalization of teacher education, that is, the separation between educational theory courses and internship courses. As a normal university, with the main responsibility of cultivating teachers, it draws on the new perspective of “consciousness-experience” provided by the phenomenological philosopher Husserl to reconstruct the methodology of education reform from the perspective of universities, and focus on the inner relationship between educational theory and teaching experience, and explore the new path of the integration of theory, experiment and practice in teacher education curriculum reform.

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    Evaluate and Value Teaching Performance Based on Students’ Achievement
    Wanpeng Lei, Hongmei Ma
    2022, 40 (3):  89-98.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.008
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    Error-component analysists argue that residuals generated by subtracting predicted values of test scores from the unconditional class-level mean and then aggregated at the class level can be regarded as teacher effectiveness. The paper tests this argument by using self-collected teacher-student matched data from 22 counties or districts in Hubei province and Guangdong province. Correlated random effect model (CRE) is employed to predict students’ test scores residuals, main findings of this paper are listed as below: (1) there are huge differences among teachers in terms of teaching performance, if a teacher of average quality is replaced by a colleague at 69 percentile whom Hanushek called “a good teacher”, the whole class will witness a net achievement gain of 0.2-0.3 standard deviations depending on which subject is under concern, the effect of which is equivalent to one-year acquisition of knowledge and skills. If he or she is replaced by a “great teacher” standing on the top 16% of the teaching performance distribution, test scores of the class will boost by 0.3-0.5 standard deviations. (2) The economic value of quality teachers is enormous, if a class of 49 students taught by a good teacher is assigned to an average teacher, the present value of earnings losses suffered by the whole cohort of students is between 110 thousand RMB and 240 thousand RMB. By our conservative estimation, the monetary value of a good instructor’s teaching is worth of at least 4.25 million more than a mediocre one across his or her 38-year career life. The article shades light on how to evaluate and value teaching performance.

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    Can Educational Robots Improve Student Creativity: An Meta-analysis Based on 48 Experimental and Quasi-experimental Studies
    Haoxiang Hou, Xianyi Zhang, Dan Wang
    2022, 40 (3):  99-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.009
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    Cultivating innovative talents has become a basic path for our country to build a strong country in science and technology and solve the “stuck neck” technical problems.Catering to the trend of educational reform in the intelligent age, the use of robotics to enhance students’ creativity shows richer practical value and contemporary significance.In this study, 48 domestic and foreign experimental studies and 6, 057 sample sizes were coded using the meta-analysis method, and the findings show that, first, the overall effect of educational robots on students’ creativity was 0.576, reaching a medium or above level of influence. Among them, the effect of promoting students’ innovative practical ability was the most obvious, and the degree of influence on the quality of innovative personality was average. Second, from the perspective of the academic stage, the effect of educational robot on the creativity of students in junior middle school and primary school was more obvious; Third, in terms of disciplines, software programming had the best impact on students’ creativity, followed by information technology. Fourth, among teaching topics, prototype creation had the most impact on students’ creativity and the level was above the intermediate level. Fifth, in terms of the choice of teaching methods, inquiry teaching can better stimulate students’ creativity. Finally, compared with ordinary classrooms, the laboratory environment was more optimistic for the development of students’ creativity. Combined with field research, four practical suggestions are put forward. We need to promote the implementation of artificial intelligence-related courses, taking into account the cultivation of students’ innovative personality and thinking in the teaching process. Schools should focus on the cultivation of low-level students’ creativity, and vigorously promote software programming teaching. Also, schools need to create robots Maker education model, improve the training system and incentive mechanism for teachers of related subjects; schools should promote the design of laboratory hardware and software environment, and raise funds for educational robots in various aspects.

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    Research on the Influence of Dialogic Peer Feedback on College Students’ Online Deep Learning
    Jiajia Yao, Yan Li, Jinjin Pan, Mengmeng Cheng
    2022, 40 (3):  112-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.010
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    In the context of the intelligent era, colleges and universities need to pay more attention to the cultivation of deep learning talents and the training of student’ deep learning ability. Discussion-based learning with dialogic peer feedback strategy is an important way to stimulate students’ high-level thinking and deepen their learning input in classrooms. Through an exploratory experiment in the natural state, the research explores the influence of dialogic peer feedback strategy based on online discussion in group on college students’ deep learning and the characteristics of students’ online participation. The study found that: (1) dialogic peer feedback strategy based on online discussion in group can significantly promote students’ learning approach from surface approach to strategic and deep approach, especially for surface learners, which may have negative effects on deep learners; (2) such activity can significantly promote the transformation of students’ cognitive levels from unistructural or low-level multistructural to high-level multistructural, but it has not yet stimulated the development of students’ cognitive levels to relational and extended abstract structures; (3) the cognitive level of deep learners who are more actively involved in activities is not better than that of surface learners, although they have an important role in driving surface learners to participate in and deepen their learning approaches. Based on the findings, some suggestions are provided for college teachers to better design deep learning activities in blended learning environment.

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