华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 89-98+137.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.04.009

• 中外教育史 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜成宪, 李得菲, 张月佳   

  1. 华东师范大学教育学部教育学系, 上海 200062
  • 出版日期:2017-08-20 发布日期:2017-07-07

An Analysis of Ancient Education Figures in the 57 Textbooks of the History of Chinese Education and Discussion on the Group Formation of Ancient Chinese Educators

DU Chengxian, LI Defei, ZHANG Yuejia   

  1. Department of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
  • Online:2017-08-20 Published:2017-07-07

摘要: 1979-2015年间中国大陆地区出版中国教育史教材57种,共选入古代教育人物91人,按其被选入频次可分为低频人物(60人)、中频人物(14人)、中高频人物(5人)和高频人物(12人)。所选入人物的重要性与被收入频次基本对应,频次最高的前5位是孔子、孟子、荀子、董仲舒、朱熹,孔子是唯一被所有教材都收入的;所选入人物及其频次表现出教材编撰者持以儒家思想为主线的教育史观,以教育贡献的标准考察和取舍人物,对人物的评价重思想贡献甚于重实践贡献;人物评价被高估和被低估的情况都存在。在20世纪五六十年代沈灌群和孟宪承等的著述中,已初步形成中国古代教育史的核心人物群体(约10人);1979年毛礼锐等人的著述完善了核心群体,进而提出一个基本群体(约30人);之后的教材编撰者则继续认定核心群体,并完善了基本群体。57种教材所选入人物中有1/3的人物只出现一次,可见选入人物存在随意性;核心人物群体中儒家人物占绝对多数,可见所选入人物代表的教育价值尚不够全面和多元。中国教育史教材选入教育人物应当遵循代表性、专业性和平衡性等原则。

关键词: 中国教育史教材, 古代教育人物, 入选频次, 教育家群体, 分析

Abstract: During the period of 1979 2015, 57 textbooks of the history of Chinese educational figures were published in mainland China, and 91 people were selected as ancient educational figures in the textbooks, who can be grouped into low frequency figures (60 people), intermediate frequency figures (14 people), middle and high frequency figures (5 people) and high frequency figures (12 people) according to the selecting frequency. The importance of the selected educational figures basically corresponds to the selecting frequency and Confucius is only one that was selected into all textbooks. The selected figures and selecting frequency show that textbook compilers pay more attention to educational contribution, like the contribution of educational thought rather than educational practice. The core group of Chinese ancient educators (about 10 people) has preliminarily taken shape in the textbooks compiled by Shen Guanqun and Meng Xiancheng in the 1950s and 1960s and was further improved in the textbooks published in 1979 by Mao Lirui and others, who put forward a basic group of educational figures (about 30 people). The absolute majority of Confucian characters in the core figure group show that the educational value is lack of inclusiveness and diversity. The selection of figures in Chinese educational history textbooks should follow the principle of representativeness, professionalism and balance.

Key words: textbooks of the History of Chinese Education, the ancient educational figures, the including frequency, the group of the ancient educational figures, analysis