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    20 June 2011, Volume 29 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The 60th Anniversary Celebration
    Memoriesof My University Life
    ZHUO Qing-Jun
    2011, 29 (2):  1-3. 
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    Educational Practice is a Source of Educational Theory
    QIU Xue-Hua
    2011, 29 (2):  4-6. 
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    On the Reform of Basic Education
    ZHANG Fa-Kun
    2011, 29 (2):  7-10. 
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    Educational Theory
    The Pluralism of Educational Value and Educational Evaluation Paradigm Shift
    QI Ye-Guo, DU Ying
    2011, 29 (2):  11-18. 
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    Educational evaluation has more and more bigger impact on the educational activities, however, the dispute and contradiction in educational evaluation are more and more prominent too, the reason is due to the value basis of educational evaluation, the evaluation based on the powerful subject can’t adapted to the value-pluralism in the educational reality. Educational evaluation paradigm in the past is based on the single value or definite value, modern educational value tend to be pluralism, education evaluation paradigm faces the realistic need of shift completely. This paper analyzes the roots that cause the conflicts of education evaluation, sums up the existing educational evaluation paradigm, puts forward the main ideas for shifting Chinese educational evaluation paradigm.
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    Ideals of Education in Multiple Conflicts:Integration and Search
    ZHOU Xing-Guo
    2011, 29 (2):  19-25. 
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    The improvement of education as an educational ideal realm, is the ultimate goal of education is good education status; both the practice of education is reflected in the start, also reflected in the theoretical understanding of educational philosophy. Diverse schools of philosophy of education scene indicates that the ideal of diversity education, conflict also led to the practice of pursuing the ideal of education dilemma. Ideal of education for the digestion of multiple conflicts, educational practice needs to school education and individual development of the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of proceeding to a more flexible stance and attitude, ideal for a variety of education to be integrated. As a result, every ideal of education in educational practice are able to find its rightful place at the same time are able to practice every kind of educational development based on individual needs and possibilities, to pursue differe nt educational ideals.
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    Impetus and Mutual Crossed-struggles of Chinese Rural Education Vicissitudes in the Last 100 Years
    RONG Zhong-Kui
    2011, 29 (2):  26-32. 
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    A centurial vicissitudes of Chinese rural education resulted from the mutual crossed-struggle of the “Chinese Tradition” and “Western Modernity” which both have their special connatations. During their different crossed-battle processes, who can get victory was decied by the preciseness and controllability of their own campaigning, the identity and acceptance by the people then and there. Most of all, by the people of how to deal with the “Chinese Tradition” and ”Western Culture” during differtnt historic periods.
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    Choice and Equity:Educational Reform in Era of Interest Differentiation
    HUANG Xue-Jun
    2011, 29 (2):  33-38. 
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    Educational reform always embedded in special social structure. Interest differentiation is the important feature of Chinese society today. Interest differentiation brings about diverse educational preference and needs, and educational choices. Interest differentiation consequentially accompanies interest integration which needs better equality of educational opportunity. Educational reform might give equal consideration to educational choice and educational equity.
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    Theories of Blocking
    CHEN Lin, MO Lei, XU Gui-Ping, ZHENG Yun-Jia
    2011, 29 (2):  39-46. 
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    Blocking effect is an important part of the learning mechanism research. Both psychologists indulging in Associationism and Cognitivism show great interest in blocking. Associationism accounts for blocking via stimuli competitions whereas cognitive theories assume that blocking is the result of rational inference. The review describes the key findings and models about blocking and makes a prospect of future research.
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    William James’ Integrational View of Psychology and its Contemporary Revelation
    FANG Shuang-Hu
    2011, 29 (2):  47-55. 
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    William James has been acknowledged as Father of American Psychology. James was the first in the history of psychology to integrate the previous psychological thoughts in his time and built an integrated psychology, which is conveyed in the discipline nature, subject matter, research methods and research topics in his psychology. James’ view on integration was “a view of star cluster”, which means differential unity. That is, psychological integration is pluralistic rather than monistic. After James, the phenomena of differentiation and disunity in the century-long history of psychology has aroused much attention of psychologists with insight. These psychologists raised the issue of integrating modern psychology again. James’ integrational view of psychology is essential intellectual resource for solving the integration problems of psychology, and has great significance on psychological research.
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    Review on Achievement Goals in Collaborative Learning
    CHEN Yong, YAO Mei-Lin
    2011, 29 (2):  56-61. 
    Abstract ( 1233 )   HTML ( 21 )   PDF (954KB) ( 1955 )   Save
    The trend of research on achievement goals has been shifting from individual learning situation to collaborative one and focusing on two typical goals of mastery-approach and performance-approach. The research explored the differences between these two types of goals in such aspects as peer perception, collaborative communication, conflict management, social value approach as well as academic achievements. The future directions need toward mechanism of interactions and changes of different types of achievement goals in collaborative learning contexts.
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    On Steven Pinker’s Perspectives on Culture Psychology from an Evolutionary Viewpoint
    LI Hai-Yan
    2011, 29 (2):  62-69. 
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    Steven Pinker’s application of the evolved psychological mechanism to the culture psychology study can be elaborated in three aspects: the determination of adaptations and by-products in the cultural facts ranging from fiction, arts to music,and its studying goal of explaining the human taste for cultural facts, as well as his suggestions on the study of culture psychology from an evolutionary viewpoint. The paper argues that Steven Pinker’s perspectives on culture psychology challenge the display hypothesis and the traditional culture psychology, broaden its study area of culture psychology, while, more practice should be made to validate his suggestions on the study of culture psychology.
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    Educational History
    The Three Types of Confucianism and Their Modern Fate
    YE Fei
    2011, 29 (2):  70-76. 
    Abstract ( 2336 )   HTML ( 21 )   PDF (953KB) ( 1976 )   Save
    the inner structure of confucianism is multidimentional. In former one-dimension analytical framework, confucianism was treated as a unity and was criticized or approved thoroughly. It not only violated historical truth, but also violated logical law. Because, the inner structure of confucianism are multidimentional and multiperspective, so we can’t criticize or approve it thoroughly. The three-dimensional analytical framework we suggested here attempts to analyze confucianism’s inner structure by three dimension: confucianism of authority, confucianism of folk society, and confucianism of intellectuals. These three parts of confucianism are different in contents and characteristic. They have different adaptive capacity and vitality in modern society, and their modern fate are very different.
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    Comment on Reward System of Newly School In the Late Qing Dynasty
    CHEN Sheng
    2011, 29 (2):  77-82. 
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    conferring honors or ranks to students is product of newly education. From its birth, the new education is facing serious student and identity crisis. To encourage the promotion of newly school and learned behavior, the late Qing government conferring some honors or ranks to students higher school graduates. School award from one hand promoted the development of the new education in the late qing dynasty , on the other hand, it lso has the serious negative effect.on style of study from the late Qing dynasty.
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    Th Break of Traditional Culture and Its Remedy in the Process of Changing old School into new School in Early Republic of China
    LI Hong-Wu
    2011, 29 (2):  83-89. 
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    The new school established during YANGWU movement, to compared with old school, is a sign of historical process. The traditional educational system was broken totally , at the same time, new school system was established graduallyin the beginning of MINGGUO, especially, the abolition of Confucian classics, such as Confucius and Mencius, it made the break of traditional culture. The “overdone”,to some extent, improved the progress, however, it also was a serious mistake in the long run. The main function of schooling is to impart traditional culture , and there is no another educational way could replace it. So it is necessary and there is a big significance to develope the course of Chinese traditional culture.
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    Analysis on the Ethnic Tradition of German Historiagraphy of Education
    ZHOU Cai
    2011, 29 (2):  90-96. 
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    19th century was regarded as the century of history research, in which the study of history has become a professional academic discipline. And the academic research methods of “scientific history” represented mainly by Leopold von Ranke has gained worldwide respect and acknowledgment. However, little attention has been paid in our country concerning the then German historians’ unavoidable responsibility for historical destiny of modern Germany and their impact on German history of education. This thesis discusses and argues the following aspects ranging from the profound transfer of ideas undergone in Germany in 19th century, the ethnic tradition of history of education in modern Germany to the introspection of German historians since 1945 and the corresponding enlightenment to German history of education and the research on it. Meanwhile, the political context of the research on German history of education was emphasized in this thesis to arouse the attention and discussion among peers within the educational circle.
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