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    20 December 2012, Volume 30 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Educational Theory
    Happiness, Morality and Education
    GAO De-Sheng
    2012, 30 (4):  1-8. 
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    People’s Educational Needs: Dilemma and Transcendence
    ZHANG Yang
    2012, 30 (4):  9-18. 
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    The New Framework of International Understanding Educational Curriculum Theory
    JIANG Yuan-Yuan
    2012, 30 (4):  19-25. 
    Abstract ( 1630 )   HTML ( 24 )   PDF (863KB) ( 1936 )   Save
    Analyzing the due category of international understanding educational curriculum, and rationally viewing the advantages and disadvantages of the current international understanding educational curriculum system, is the core of aggregate teaching in the international understanding educational curriculum. If we can precisely understand and master the nature of international understanding education by the category thinking of theoretical research, and build the new theoretical framework of international understanding educational curriculum, we may provide a new perspective for the construction of international understanding educational curriculum system in China.
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    China’s Rural Education Development Direction: Predicament and the Way out
    FAN Yong-Kun, WU Zhi-Hui
    2012, 30 (4):  26-30. 
    Abstract ( 1991 )   HTML ( 48 )   PDF (865KB) ( 2234 )   Save
    rural education is an important constituent part in the education system in China, and its direction becomes the focus of attention. The paper has had two culture directions which embodies urban-oriented and rural-oriented for the rural education. Under the influence of them, the thinking of the development direction for rural education falls into “involution”. I have put forward cultural self-consciousness route, which could be familiar with the gap between urban and rural culture, stick out rural culture autonomy, and it is also the value require for the urban and rural education integration.
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    Research on Indicator System of Regional Allocation Model of Admission Quota for Provincial Universities
    DONG Ye-Jun
    2012, 30 (4):  31-36. 
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    University admission quota arrangement, especially that allocated by province, is of an important impact upon regional higher education admission opportunity and higher education development, which has long been given wide attention by all walks of life, and National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development Program also proposes explicitly that the allocation of university admission quota should be made perfect. In order to reasonably allocate the university undergraduate student admission quota and minimize the possible subjective casualness during policy-making, this paper has systematically analyzed the main factors that influence the allocation of university admission quota, and it’s necessary to set up a regional allocation model of admission quota for provincial universities. Based on the goal orientation of the allocation model and the building principles of the Indicator System, the author establishes an indicator system of regional allocation model of admission quota for provincial universities. The indicator system includes three first-level indicators, seven second-level indicators and twelve third-level indicators, which aiming to offer policy-making grounds for regional allocation of nationwide admission quota for provincial universities.
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    The Psychological Factors, Neural Expression and Interaction of Self Control Failure
    LI Jian-Bin, NIE Yan-Gang, ZENG Min-Xia, DOU Kai
    2012, 30 (4):  44-50. 
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    Self-control failure serves as a unique perspective for studying self control. After an overview of related literatures, the authors summarized that: self-control failure can be explained in the angles of self-control resource depletion, trait self-control, negative mood, cues exposure and group stress; additionally, insufficient activation of prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulated cortex, and excessive activation of amygdala are the neural mechanisms of self-control failure. In line with the previous findings, the authors put forward an interactive model to help better interpret why self-control failure occurs. This model contains three points of view, state and trait, awareness and ability (resource) of self control, and psychological and physical interaction. Future investigation on self-control failure should take effort on improving and expanding studies both on psychological and neural mechanism level, and on discovering life-span developmental characteristics of self-control failure. This article offers insightful perspectives for future study on self-control failure.
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    Evolutionary Perspective of Fear Mechanism: Fear Module
    YANG Zhao-Ning, SU Jin-Long
    2012, 30 (4):  51-57. 
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    The evolved module of fear hypothesizes that the human fear has its evolutionary origin. After long history of evolution, we human mind is shaped like a crowded zoo, which is comprised of a lot of domain-specific programs, and during which the fear module is one of them. The fear module is sensitive to stimuli that have been correlated with threatening encounter in the evolutionary past and has four characteristics: selectivity; automaticity; encapsulation; specific neural circuitry. Evidence supporting these propositions is reviewed from multiple studies, both in primates and humans. However, fear module also faces lots of critics, especially on its automaticity hypothesis and whether it is preferentially activated by stimuli that are fear relevant in a phylogenetic scene. Future study should consider the influence of cultural selection and other selection pressures on fear module. Also, more study results on EEA and subtle experimental designs will help on the further development of fear module.
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    The Role of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression Modulating Emotional Reactivity in the Unconscious Level
    MA Wei-Na, YAO Yu-Jia, SANG Biao
    2012, 30 (4):  58-62. 
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    The Embodiment of Selfconcept:Concept and Experiment
    YOU Xu-Qun, SHEN Sha
    2012, 30 (4):  63-68. 
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    The embodiment of self-concept have profound theoretical foundation and empirical evidence, the theory of self which advanced by William James and Carl Ransom Rogers, the theory of physical self which advanced by Gordon Willard Allport, they all imply the embodiment of self-concept. From such perspective, self-concept includes people’s brain, whole body and even the way that body moves. Structures of body, movement’s schema and sensor motor experiences all determine the formation and change of self-concept. A series of studies about self-concept have supplied strong evidence for embodiment of self-concept. As a new perspective, the view of embodied self-concept overcomes the shortcoming of disembodied self-concept, stress the important role of people’s body structures and body movements, and provide a new perspective on self-concept
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    Educational History