华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 1-21.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.05.001

• 特稿 •    下一篇


[德]安德烈亚斯·施莱希尔(Andreas Schleicher)   

  1. 经济合作与发展组织, 法国巴黎 75016
  • 发布日期:2020-05-15

Educating Students for Their Future, Rather than Our Past

Andreas Schleicher   

  1. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris 75016, France
  • Published:2020-05-15

摘要: 本文首先回顾年轻人为获取未来成功所需要的知识和技能的一些变化,然后探讨其对教学、教师和教育工作组织的影响。本文认为,教育领导者倾向于关注的法律、法规、结构和制度只是冰山一角。改革学校系统的困难之处在于冰山位于水面之下更大且看不见的那一部分,这一无形的部分便是包括家长和教师在内的所有教育参与者的利益、信念、动机和不安。为解决这一问题,本文还探讨了如何围绕教育改革的政治经济背景来推动问题的解决,包括鼓励创新的激励措施和重新设计测评的必要性。

关键词: 态度, 创造性思维, 批判性思维, 跨课程学习, 课程, 数字化, 教育产业, 教育评估, 阐述, 公平, 测评, 不平等, 创新, 知识, 记忆, MOOC, PISA, 专业标准, 项目学习, 技能, 社会资本, 标准, 可持续性, TALIS, 教师专业合作, 价值观

Abstract: This chapter reviews some of the changes in the demand for knowledge and skills that are placed on young people to be successful in their future, and then examines what this entails for teaching, teachers and the work organisation in education. The chapter also acknowledges that the laws, regulations, structures and institutions on which educational leaders tend to focus are just like the small visible tip of an iceberg. The reason why it is so hard to move school systems is that there is a much larger invisible part under the waterline. This invisible part is about the interests, beliefs, motivations and fears of the people who are involved in education, parents and teachers included. To address this, the final part of the chapter examines issues around the political economy of changes in education to facilitate this, including incentives to encourage innovation and the need to redesign assessment.

Key words: attitudes, creative thinking, critical thinking, cross-curricular learning, curriculum, digitalisation, education industry, educational assessment, elaboration, equity, evaluation, inequality, innovation, knowledge, memorisation, MOOC, PISA, professional standards, project-based learning, skills, social capital, standards, sustainability, TALIS, teacher professional collaboration, values