华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 34-42.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.06.003

• 高考研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心/心理学院,广州 510631
  • 发布日期:2020-06-23

A Discussion on Scoring and Adjusting Methods for Elective Subjects of College Entrance Examination in China

Wen Zhonglin   

  1. Center for Studies of Psychological Application/School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
  • Published:2020-06-23

摘要: 新高考方案包含了选考科目,而在各选考科目中,考生能力高低不同、试题难易不同,因此原始分不具有可比性。如果使用标准分或者比例等级计分,那么它在摆平各科难度的同时,也会将各选考科目考生的整体能力差异抹平,因而带来新的问题。本文在讨论了几个典型的新高考方案中选考科目成绩不校准带来的问题后,认为解决问题的一个可行方法是使用必考科目成绩去校准选考科目成绩,同时还澄清和回应了几个有关校准选考科目成绩方面的问题和疑虑。本文认为,用必考科目成绩去校准选考科目成绩的方案可以设计得很简单,包括在比例等级计分基础上只加不减。

关键词: 高考, 选考科目, 考生能力, 试卷难度, 等级成绩, 标准分

Abstract: There are elective subjects in the new schemes of college entrance examination in China. However the original scores of different elective subjects are incomparable because the group ability of candidates and the difficulty of test paper may vary from subject to subject. Paper difficulty of each subject is set at the same level when using the standardized scores or grades with preset percentage to elective subjects, but the group ability of candidates is also set at the same level at the same time, which brings about a series of problems. The problems are discussed in detail for several typical schemes of college entrance examination in China. A feasible way to solve the problems is to statistically adjust the scores of each elective subject according to candidates’ scores of compulsory subjects. In addition, several issues about the score adjustment in elective subject are addressed. The adjustment procedure might be designed very simply and easy to understand. A special case is that on the basis of grades with preset percentage, candidates can only upgrade, not downgrade.

Key words: college entrance examination(gao kao), elective subject, candidate ability, the difficulty of test paper, grade score, standardized score