华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2025, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 1-16.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.01.001

• 教育法治:“双减”政策研究 •    

遮蔽、澄明与“双减”:创新人才涌现的 哲学基础与关键


  1. 北京大学教育经济研究所,北京 100871
  • 接受日期:2024-09-12 出版日期:2025-01-01 发布日期:2024-12-24
  • 基金资助:
    教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地“十四五”规划重大项目“教育与高质量发展研究”(22JJD880003);国家自然科学基金“新时代科技强国目标下组织支持对女性学者职业发展的激励机制研究”(72374015); 北京市社会科学基金“创新生态体系视域下北京新型研究型大学建设研究”(23JYA003)。

Verbergung, Lichtung and “Double Reduction” Policy: Philosophical Foundation and Key Points of the Emerging of Creative Talents

Xiaodong Lu   

  1. Institute of Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Accepted:2024-09-12 Online:2025-01-01 Published:2024-12-24


自然科学基础学科中的拔尖创新人才何以涌现是当下中国的核心论题,其哲学基础和关键能否得以揭示关系到教育观念变革和教育实践定向。此论题同时关涉“双减”这一教育政策概念尚未被把握的本质。在《科学革命的结构》以及库恩一系列论述中,范式与教-学间的联系是常规科学时期科学教育的本质所涉,不适当的教-学会在学生头脑中形成范式陷阱。范式陷阱作为隐喻与海德格尔的“遮蔽”隐喻虽有不同但高度类似,彼此唤醒。教-学中的教科书以“真”的文字和语言形成了作为掩埋的遮蔽而类似“陷阱”,扭曲/失真的遮蔽使反常现象难以被“看见”和发现,改信的困难凸显范式陷阱作为“陷阱”的特征。在海德格尔处,真理的本质揭示自身为自由,即不被旧范式遮蔽的自由或不陷入范式陷阱的自由。Double lighten作为英译方使“双减”概念中隐藏不露的微光与澄明得以显露。与遮蔽相对的隐喻是澄明,减少本科学习量和“双减”的哲学本质在澄明。澄明和自由是自然科学领域真理发现和创新人才涌现的本质和关键,全民族始终要将学生在(旧)范式中、在不断增长的知识和技术中所保有的澄明和自由视为珍宝。本文是勾连库恩和海德格尔的一次尝试。

关键词: 双减, 拔尖创新人才, 科学教育, 钱学森之问, 科学革命, 范式, 海德格尔


The emerging of top-notch creative talents in natural sciences is the main topic in China today. Whether its philosophical foundation and key points can be revealed is related to the transformation of educational concepts and the orientation of educational practice. This thesis also concerns the essence of the “Double Reduction” policy that has not yet been grasped. In “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” and Kuhn’s series of discourses, the relationship between paradigm, teaching and learning is the essence of science education in the normal science era. Inappropriate teaching and learning form a paradigm trap in the mind of students. The paradigm trap, as a metaphor, is highly similar to Heidegger’s “covering-up” metaphor, although different, but awakening each other. Textbooks in teaching and learning use “true” text and language to form a covering up which is similar to a “trap” in the sense of being buried over. The covering up itself in the sense of distortion makes anomaly difficult to “see” and discover, and the difficulty of conversion highlights the characteristic of paradigm traps as “traps”. In Heidegger’s view, the essence of truth reveals itself as freedom, that is, freedom that is not covered up by old paradigms, or freedom that is not trapped in paradigm. “Double Reduction” as the English translation of 双减 reveals the subtle light and lichtung that were once hidden in the concept of 双减. The metaphor opposite to the covering up is lichtung. It is the philosophical foundation to lighten the quantity of structured learning/the required credit units for graduation and the “Double Reduction” policy. Lichtung and freedom are the philosophical foundation and the key point to the emerging of truth and creative talents in the field of natural sciences. The whole nation must always regard the lichtung and freedom that students possess in the (old) paradigm and in the constantly growing knowledge and technology as treasures. This article is an attempt to connect Kuhn and Heidegger.

Key words: the Double Reduction Policy, creative talents, science education, Qian Xuesen’ Question, scientific revolution, paradigm, Martin Heidegger