华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 1-62.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.001
• 专题:教育学概念重构 • 下一篇
Biao Dong
董标. 教师概念的发明——长时段、大空间的教育学基础知识勘探学试验[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024, 42(12): 1-62.
Biao Dong. The Emergence of the Teacher Concept: An Experiment in Longitudinal and Transdisciplinary Exploration of Educational Fundamentals[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2024, 42(12): 1-62.
表 3
编号 | 简称 | 印版时间 | 英文 | 备注 |
1. | TYN | 1525-1536 | our schoolmaster a schoolmaster | 被誉为“所有(印刷出版的) 英文《圣经》之父。” |
2. | DRV | 1578-1582 | our pedagogue a pedagogue | |
3. | KJV | 1611 | 同TYN | 钦定版。 |
4. | KJ21 | 1994 | 同TYN | 更新钦定版。1998年定名《第三千禧年圣经》。 |
5. | WB | 1833 | our school-master a school-master | |
6. | DARBY | 1890 | our tutor;a tutor | |
7. | YLT | 1898 | our child-conductor a child-conductor | |
8. | ASB | 1901 | 同DARBY | |
9. | WEB | 同DARBY | 无知识产权人的通用版。 | |
10. | BBE | 1949 | a servant; a servant | |
11. | AV | 1965 | our trainer; a trainer | trainer:the guardian of our childhood. |
12. | NASB | 1971 | 同DARBY | |
13. | GNT | 1976 | in charge of | 好消息版。 |
14. | NIV | 1984 | the law was put in charge to lead us; under the supervision of the law | |
15. | NLT | 1996 | our guardian and teacher;the law as our guardian |
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