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    Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) 2015 Vol.33
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    The Ultimate Pursuit of Knowledge Ethics and its Logic and Structure
    HAO Wen wu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.001
    Abstract674)   HTML43)    PDF (625KB)(1754)      
    School of Education,Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China) Abstract: Knowledge ethics is the pursuit of values and moral ideals in the process of knowledge generation and its application. Besides, knowledge ethics provides the foundation and logic of the process. Social morality and individual morality have various levels in specific societies and eras. However, it has long been the common pursuit of human moral ideal and knowledge ethics to pursue the core value as the single orientation, comprehensively promote rational basic good and material good as the bottom line. Knowledge ethics has its own logic and structures, some determined by moral ideals and norms of a nation, some by scientific and cultural knowledge structures and others by the eras and nationality of knowledge.
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    Rousseau’s Educational Intention
    1、LIU Liang hua;2、ZENG Shi ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 11-17.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.002
    Abstract854)   HTML139)    PDF (498KB)(2336)      
    It seems that there is a paradoxical relationship or a tension between Rousseau’s The Social Contract and his Emile. The Social Contract focuses on “society”, denying human’s “State of Nature”, while Emile is individualoriented, emphasizing the importance of “natural education”. But according to Rousseau’s educational intention, the two writings are actually based on the same principle and consistent with each other. On the surface, Rousseau’s The Social Contract denies “the State of Nature”, but in essence it imitates “the State of Nature”, that is, building a civil society by “Learning from Nature”. Further, in The Social Contract Rousseau focuses his discussion on the education of the ordinary citizens (namely, mass education). Emile is not the opposite of The Social Contract. Its aim is to cultivate the legislator for the civil society (namely, elite education). Emile is more important than The Social Contract for the reason that the legislator plays a greater role in society than the ordinary citizens.
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    Intuition of Educational Phenomenon and its Fitting Value for Educational World
    WANG Wei hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 18-24.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.003
    Abstract642)   HTML42)    PDF (478KB)(1710)      
    Educational phenomenon is a spiritual reality in people’s consciousness, which is also considered as the educational world itself. Unlike educational illusion, educational symbols and educational presentation, educational phenomenon demonstrates itself by itself. Intuition of educational phenomenon aims to obtain authentic knowledge of the educational world. First, this intuition needs a phenomenological epoche in the process of cognition; second, it is an analysis of the educational spiritual reality; third, the intuitive content should be as comprehensive as possible; and finally, this intuition should also be involved in the whole process of the educational world. Educational intuition therefore plays a significant role in understanding the educational world. It can not only reveal nature of general education in specific phenomenon, but also highlight the existence of people in the educational world. However, the greatest value occurs in the ecological field of educational practice, which will transform education from being resultoriented to being processoriented.
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    Generation of Situation in Educational Research Methodology
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 26-30.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.004
    Abstract554)   HTML50)    PDF (456KB)(1655)      
    Educational researches are always accompanied by methods and methodology. Methodology is the premise and basis of any research work, which can provide the evidence of the selection and application of methods. The changes in methodology lead the value orientation of research. The acquisition of methodology is inseparable from the learning of research methods, however, it is subject to the technologybased methods and knowledgebased methodology. Educational research methodology which adheres to research values must be generated from research contexts.
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    Analysis of Rationality in Restarting the Education Reform Agenda
    SHAO Ze bin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 31-37.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.005
    Abstract652)   HTML131)    PDF (487KB)(1417)      
    Restarting the education reform agenda implies the support, affirmation and transcendence of the first stage of the education reform starting from the 1980s. Its rationality and necessity are reflected in three aspects: firstly, the support for education reform needs to accumulate again, which is the social foundation for restarting education reform; secondly, the intractable problems with the education reform need to be overcome, which is the power basis for restarting education reform; thirdly, the operation modes of the education reform need to be transformed, which is the systematic foundation for restarting education reform.
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    Dominant Forms, Insight and Resistance in School Education
    LI Zhi-Qiang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 38-44.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.01.006
    Abstract819)   HTML135)         
    From "what is the most valuable knowledge" to "whose knowledge is the most valuable", critical education researchers tend to use such concepts as ideology, hegemony, symbolic violence to analyze the dominant forms in school education. Students from the subordinate class can obtain insight by drawing on their parents’ culture and contradictions within hegemony. Therefore, the resistance resulting from insight involves a variety of forms, but insight is not the only action mode of the subordinate students, resistance and obedience based on different motives should also be paid attention to.
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    Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Surface Structure
    ZHANG Chao zhen1 SHU Huana2
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 45-50.  
    Abstract612)   HTML39)    PDF (859KB)(1780)      
    The flipped classroom is a structural system including such elements as media, teachers, curriculum students. The interaction among these elements result in three subsystems: Teacher Media Course system, Student Media Course system and Teacher Problems Students system. Each subsystem presents different surface structures and deep structures. In an effective flipped classroom, teachers are required to understand the value and importance of deep structural flipped classroom, cope with the problems such as technical control, knowledge orientation and superficial interaction. Also, teachers should achieve the goal of higher level student development in discipline thinking, positive emotional communication and experience and critical reflective consciousness.
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    Fallacy and Clarification in Discourse Analysis: Pedagogical Review of Current Educational Research
    LIU Yan nan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 51-59.  
    Abstract922)   HTML36)    PDF (603KB)(1699)      
    The linguistic shift in current educational research refers to educational concepts and discourse analysis of propositions as the basic tasks in educational researches, which aims to clarify the logical fallacy of pedagogical language in order to make the language more accurate. However, analysis of the pedagogical discourse is actually to explore the hidden education ideas and behavior objectives. In addition, it's the exploring process of turning symbol into meaning, as well as a tool of theoretical analysis. Therefore, a pedagogical critical reflection of pedagogical language is the basic prerequisite for the reinterpretation of educational concepts and propositions. Despite the various tools in educational researches, their respective purposes and stance are unique——aiming at pedagogy itself.
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    A Study of the Inherent Logic of University Function
    DAN Feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 60-66.  
    Abstract605)   HTML35)    PDF (479KB)(1492)      
    Rather than a linear process from single to multiple functions, the development of university function has its own inherent logic. University function involves beyond academic teaching, academic research, cultural inheritance and social service, in which there are rich contents, open to various explanation and understanding. If university is not understood within the same logic framework, no doubt this will lead to ambiguity, deviation and generalization in understanding the key concepts, finally misinterpreting “university”. Academic teaching and academic research are the “body” of university function while cultural inheritance and social service are the “usage” of university function. And the integration of both body and usage is the inherent logic of the development of university function. University should focus on improving the quality of academic teaching and academic research in order to cultivate professional talents of advanced learning, noble minds and critical thinking, and to promote cultural selection and criticism, cultural inheritance and innovation in support of social development.
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    Embodied Economics: A New Approach to Exploring Economic Psychology and Behaviors
    DOU Dong hui ; PENG Kai ping ; YU Feng ; LIU Xiao cen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 67-76.  
    Abstract603)   HTML122)    PDF (563KB)(2719)      
    Traditional economics has long been a disembodied economics, excluding physical factors from its theoretical system. Instead, embodied economics is an approach to (neuro)economics that takes into account how information provided by bodily signals, the physical presence and displacements of others (or its imagination) influence the way we make economic decisions. A large number of recent economics psychological researches on how movements, gestures and body states influence decisionmaking, evaluation, risktaking and consumer behaviors have laid a solid empirical foundation for embodied economics. A better understanding of the impact of physical factors on our economic thinking and behaviors helps to enrich our knowledge of the dynamics of economic decisionmaking in individual and social contexts, thus making both economics and psychology relevant to real life.
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    The Application of Experience Sampling Method and its Advantages in Emotion Regulation Research
    DENG Xin mei ;DING Xue chen; SANG Biao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 77-83.  
    Abstract696)   HTML130)    PDF (473KB)(2153)      
    The present review aims to introduce the role and implication of Experience Sampling Method (ESM) in the studies of emotion regulation. Dynamic nature of emotion and emotion development, naturalistic emotion evoked situation, and various contributions of emotion development require researchers to make further methodological considerations when conducting emotion and emotion development studies. ESM takes advantages in emotion regulation research for several reasons: firstly, continuous and repeated assessment of momentary emotional events and relevant variables at regular frequent intervals throughout a relatively long period make it less susceptible to memory bias and implicit emotional attitude; secondly, experience sampling method puts emotional events in real social settings, thus improving the ecological validity of the study; thirdly, researchers could conduct multilevel and multivariate statistical analysis of massive sampling data and fruitful information by using ESM. In conclusion, ESM will be used more and more with further studies of emotion and emotion regulation.
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    The Relationship between Immoral Online Behaviors and Social Responsibility: The Moderate Role of Moral Identity
    WU Peng;LIU Hua shan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 84-90.  
    Abstract543)   HTML130)    PDF (809KB)(1913)      
    Through questionnaire, we attempt to analyze the relationship between immoral online behaviors and social responsibility among adolescence. 676 students from 12 classes participating in the research completed three questionnaires. The results indicate that adolescence score high in social responsibility and moral identity and have only a few immoral online behaviors. Our regression analysis indicates that social responsibility can predict the immoral online behaviors. Our moderation analysis shows that symbolization of moral identity can regulate the relationship between social responsibility and immoral online behavior. Further, for students whose score on symbolization of moral identity is high, the social responsibility can predict the immoral online behavior. But, for students whose score on symbolization of moral identity is low, the social responsibility can't predict the immoral online behavior. The article concludes with the discussion about the implications of our research for moral education.
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    Theoretical Modalities of Descriptive Psychology
    WANG Shen lian ; GUO Ben yu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 91-96.  
    Abstract627)   HTML130)    PDF (450KB)(2301)      
    Descriptive psychology was a branch of human science psychology, cofounded by Brentano and Dilthey at the start up period of scientific psychology. It held that we should present the whole picture of human mental life as what it is through phenomenological description or hermeneutical understanding. Descriptive psychology evolved along rigorous scientific tradition and romantic tradition, each of which mainly exhibited three distinctive theoretical modalities. The former included Brentano’ s act descriptive psychology, Stumpf’ s functional descriptive psychology, and Husserl’ s essential descriptive psychology; the latter included Dilthey’s lived experience descriptive psychology, Spranger’s structural descriptive psychology, and Stern’s personality descriptive psychology. Each of all the six theoretical modalities had its own basic principles, theoretical focus, and methodology preference. They formed a strong alliance to prevent psychology from becoming a nature science within the framework of descriptive psychology. They jointly opposed genetic psychology or explanatory psychology built on nature science and created by Wundt and others.
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    Cultural Evolution and Improved Children’s School Life: A Comparative Analysis of the Survey in Fifteen Provinces, Cities and Autonomous Regions
    LI Xiao wen 1 WANG Xiao li 2
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 97-103.  
    Abstract487)   HTML131)    PDF (5027KB)(1607)      
    By comparing the data based on 20178 questionnaires targeting students from the third grade to eighth grade in fifteen provinces, cities and autonomous regions nationwide, the authors analyze the characteristics of cultural evolution and the formation of children’s school life condition from the perspective of the difference in local culture, economic conditions and school types. The findings indicate that the examtaking pressure is related to regional economic conditions and cultural tradition, and that the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education as well as the plentiful cultural activities are beneficial to the students’ learning state and teacherstudent relationship. Therefore, in order to carry out integrated school cultural activities, it is necessary to enhance and expand the traditional culture based on the stimulation of students’ learning potential.
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    Curriculum Rationales and Teaching Patterns in Guangdong Academies in the Qing Dynasty
    1.ZHOU Yan hong WANG Jian jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 104-113.  
    Abstract638)   HTML33)    PDF (584KB)(1596)      
    Ancient curriculum refers to students’ selfregulated learning processes according to the defined test objectives. Based on the data about learning rules in Guangdong academies in the Qing Dynasty, we discuss two patterns of curriculum, one was designed for imperial examinations and the other was designed to promote the learning of ancient history. This difference resulted in the dividing line between the “coursefocused” academy and the “noncourse” academy, as well as two distinctive teaching styles, leading to different teaching effects. In the “noncourse” academy, teaching tended to focus on the content of imperial examinations and the students were eager for fame instead of knowledge. On the other hand, the “course”focused” academy focused on practical learning, emphasized ethos connoted learning, and ensured students’ selfregulated learning. This showed teaching returned to the authenticity of the traditional education, i.e. the essence of academy reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
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    National Imagination and the Ideology of Educational Films in Republic of China
    ZHOU Huimei LI Yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 112-117.  
    Abstract478)   HTML33)    PDF (561KB)(1993)      
    Before and after May Forth Movement, an increasing number of educational films were produced in China, such as Education of the Blind Children and Driving off the Mosquitoes which were produced by the Commercial Press. After that, due to the need of ideology propaganda and the national economic and cultural development, the Nanjing National Government included educational films in its commercial system so as to mobilize the public, imagine the modern nation, and shape the new citizen. Meanwhile, educational films expanded the coverage of education by penetrating education elements in the entertaining films. Moreover, the nonprofit encouragement by the government led to an unprecedented interaction and a discourse system between the intelligentsia and the lower classes, hence the modern common sense. National imagination had a deep influence on the direction of ideology of the educational films.
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    The Frontiers and Evolution of International Researches on Educational Anthropology (1965-2013)
    GAN Yong tao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (1): 118-124.  
    Abstract580)   HTML32)    PDF (711KB)(1351)      
    Since the 1960s, educational anthropology has made great progress worldwide, with a rapidly expanding research community, more diversified research methods, a large number of research findings and gradually extending research fields. Using Web of Science as data source, this article analyzes the knowledge mapping of 5316 articles published between 1965 and 2013 in educational anthropology. The analysis shows that the number of published articles related to the educational anthropology is growing rapidly; the distribution of the authors is dispersed; core authors have not yet been wellestablished.Besides, the uneven distribution of both the institutions and journals is relatively aggregated and highly dispersed. The hot topics and frontier researches in educational anthropology change with the times. The themes of the related frontier research can be classified into three groups: study on the evaluation, on the purpose and on the effectiveness of the implementation of educational anthropology. According to the characteristics of the evolution of educational anthropology, the knowledge base of education as a discipline has gradually shaped and become mature in the 1990s. In addition, researches on educational equity and some educational anthropology researches from the perspective of specific culture have become the knowledge base of educational anthropology at different times.
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    Triple Veiling and Clarification of Humanized Education
    ZHANG Zhongyuan & HU Zhongping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.001
    Abstract724)   HTML37)    PDF (504KB)(1833)      
    In exploring humanized education, researchers tend to look at education problems from the perspective of anti-humanization, without a further analysis of the concept of anti-humanized education. The difference among anti-humanization, dehumanization and weak humanization in education is obscure. Using the category of purpose–means, we seek to reveal and clarify the connotation of the three, their boundaries and interrelationships. We argue that the core of the anti-humanized education is domestication of education,which violates humanity; while the core of dehumanized education is the materialization of education, which is separate from humanity; and the core of weak humanization is alienation of education, which deviates from humanity. Therefore, education should develop towards truth–breaking away from the fetters of domestication, towards harmony–evading the snare of materialization, and towards freedom –getting rid of the fence of alienation.
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    The Status Quo and Trends of Studies on Thoughts of Education in China: a Bibliometric Analysis of Core Periodical Literature
    LIU Tao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 10-16.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.002
    Abstract528)   HTML122)    PDF (491KB)(1309)      
    Studies on thoughts of education is currently one of the critical areas in educational studies. Using the bibliometric analysis, this paper takes a sample of 1573 articles from CSSCI and PKU, and provides an analysis of the quantity of literature, methodology, research focuses as well as the researchers concerning thoughts of education. Findings indicate that there has been an increasing number of studies on thoughts of education with diversified methodology. Besides, studies are centered on hot topics in educational practice. In general, studies tend to be mature and systematic. Nevertheless, there exist in the studies such problems as “pro-classical” “westernization”, and theories disconnected from reality. Therefore, studies on thoughts of education should concentrate on changes in their topics, contents and methodology.
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    Equalization of Basic Public Service in Compulsory Education under New Urbanization: Policy Dilemmas and Priorities
    ZHI Tingjing & SHANG Weiwei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 17-24.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02..003
    Abstract604)   HTML37)    PDF (1304KB)(1499)      
    The core of new urbanization lies in people’s urbanization. To realize people’s urbanization, the most important thing to do is promote the equalization of basic public service including the compulsory education provision. Nowadays, there exist grave inequality in China’s compulsory education provision, e.g. the overt disparity in the distribution of public education finance, the conspicuous unequal appropriation of infrastructure and facilities, and the widespread selective ignorance and differential treatment in education. To equalize the compulsory education provision, it’s essential to increase the government’s accountability and deepen the system reform of basic public service. Also, it’s imperative to innovate the educational administration by mobilizing the educational authority, transform the orientation of schooling and enhance the democratic participation and equal development in the educational process.
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    The Relationship between Bilingual Semantic Development and Cognitive School Readiness of Uygur Children
    ZHOU Jing & ZHANG Li & MIN Lanbin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 25-33.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.004
    Abstract737)   HTML115)    PDF (876KB)(1717)      
    This study explores the relationship between Uygur children’s bilingual semantic development and cognitive school readiness. By adopting measures of PPVT and EVT in both Mandarin and the Uygur language, the study examines receptive and expressive language and cognitive school readiness of Uygur children aged between 4 and 6 years. Findings show that the semantic development in both Mandarin and the Uygur language in Uygur children is significant. Still, there is a remarkable difference in bilingual semantic development of children from kindergartens at different quality levels. Uygur children achieve over 50% of the cognitive school readiness concepts after three years of bilingual education. However, their command of concepts in different School Readiness Composite (SRC) subscales and comprehensive subscales varies greatly, implying that attention should be paid to including some concepts in the curriculum for young children. The correlational analysis demonstrates that the relationship between children’s receptive language or expressive language and cognitive school readiness is positively significant and further, the former two are strong predictors of children’s readiness skills. The study indicates that bilingual learning of Uygur children during early years facilitates their cognitive development.
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    Evolution and Prospect of Academic Committee System in China’s Higher Educational Institutions
    CAI Guochun & PAN zhenxin & WANG Chunyan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 34-40.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.005
    Abstract540)   HTML32)    PDF (483KB)(1302)      
    In China’s higher education, the academic committee system has undergone three stages of development: budding, startup and establishment. For a long period of time, the academic power, which should have been exercised by the academic committee, has not been clearly separated from political power and executive power. Higher Education Act proposed the establishment of academic committee, stipulating the committee’s responsibility. As a result, the academic power has become more explicit than implicit. However, the academic power is still in the state of attachment. In future, it is quite necessary to strengthen the awareness of the nature and necessity of the academic power, and reinforce the building of the academic committee system in support of the construction of modern university system. In a long run, the status of the academic power should be independent, rather than being attached to other authorities. Regulations of Academic Committee in Universities issued by the Ministry of Education is undoubtedly a milestone, which means a shift of the academic committee from the period of system design into a new era of practical construction.
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    Research on Three-Dimension Theory of Vocational Textbook Design
    XU Guoqing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 41-48.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.006
    Abstract501)   HTML40)    PDF (749KB)(1563)      
    How to design textbook is one of the important issues in the research field of vocational textbooks. Under the idea of project-based vocational curriculum, it’s unreasonable to see the reductive phenomenon in vocational textbook design, as the diversification of vocational education and its curriculum inherently requires the diversification of vocational textbooks. Based on three dimensions, vocational textbook models can be defined at nine levels. The first dimension is vocational, which can be defined at the levels of relevance, task and project. The second dimension is knowledge, which can be defined at the levels of theory, practice and experience. The third dimension is learning, which can be defined at the levels of narration, conversation and activity. By combining these three dimensions and nine levels, we can get five typical vocational textbook models. An in-depth analysis of the models can offer essential methodology for vocational textbook development.
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    Monism and Pluralism in the Interpretation of Curriculum Text
    PENG Liang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 49-54.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.10005560.2015.02.007
    Abstract583)   HTML39)    PDF (431KB)(1509)      
    Driven by the highlighted multiple meaning of text and the emerging postmodernism, the combination of curriculum and text has created a new dynamic. Consequently, people call for a pluralistic interpretation of curriculum text. Nevertheless, interpretation of curriculum from the text involves some restrictions hidden in the monistic interpretation. Therefore, interpretation of curriculum needs to take into consideration the duality of both curriculum and text in dealing with the “monistic” and “pluralistic” approaches.
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    Psychologists’ Humane Concern: Happiness, Social Justice and World Peace
    GUO Yong-Yu & HU Xiao-Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 55-61.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.008
    Abstract489)   HTML120)    PDF (562KB)(1732)      
    Psychological researches tend to put more emphasis on human’s natural attributes than social attributes. In fact, psychology should, based on the comprehensive understanding of human nature, focus on humane concern and respond to the specific social reality, such as personal happiness, social justice, and world peace. Some studies argue that personal happiness can be divided at the psychological and subjective level. Studies show that demographic variables, personality characteristics, goals and economic status all have impressive effect on subjective happiness. In terms of social justice, researchers argue that lower-class people, who are more dependent on social justice, are more likely to have a feeling of social inequality than higher-class people. Some policies aiming to reducing social constraint, promoting the sense of control can enhance the sense of equality among lower-class people. In terms of the world peace, great progress has been achieved in the studies on love and hate, truth and reconciliation, comprehension and coexistence. And there is still much to be explored in combining humane concern with social responsibility in psychological researches.
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    Qualitative Movement in Psychological Research
    MA Yankun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 65-69.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.009
    Abstract533)   HTML120)    PDF (434KB)(1740)      
    Qualitative research as a movement has an extensive and profound influence on other social sciences. In the past 20 years, qualitative research has spread to the field of psychology, which has attracted wide public concern. Qualitative orientation is increasingly integrated into the mainstream and has become what Kuhn called "normative science". Based on previous researches, this paper examines the development of psychological research from different perspectives, including the history of psychology, different orientations, the common basis, approaches of qualitative analysis and its contribution to the development of psychology.
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    How to Make Justice Judgment of Multiple Referents: Bandwagon Effect and Snob Effect
    ZHOU Hao & LONG Lirong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 70-76.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.010
    Abstract645)   HTML107)    PDF (478KB)(1535)      
    Based on social comparison theory, the information of referents can be divided into three categories: information of average (IA); information of better paid referent (IB); information of worse paid referent (IW). In this study, three hundred and twenty eight college students participated in the scenario experiment, and a 4×2×2 randomized design was adopted. The results indicated that: (a) the main effect of IA was significant: the perception of distributive justice was lowest when participants were informed that they were paid less than average, and the perception of distributive justice was highest when participants knew that they got more than average; (b) the bandwagon effect was significant in all conditions of IA: when participants got IB, their perception of distributive justice decreased sharply; (c) the strongest snob effect appeared when IA was absent: when participants got IW, their perception of distributive justice increased dramatically. Finally, the theoretical and empirical implications of this study are discussed.
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    Spiritual Health:Core Value of Health Education
    WU Yuntena & Qi Shisan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 77-81.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.011
    Abstract618)   HTML119)    PDF (486KB)(1875)      
    Spiritual health is an increasingly important topic in psychological research. From the perspective of spirituality, understanding and reflecting spiritual health involves three related levels: spiritual health corresponding to mental illness, spiritual health equivalent to mental health, and spiritual health related to intelligence and life meaning. The third level is closely related to spiritual development, and all the three levels constitute individual’s integrated existence of "physiological-psychological-spiritual". Spiritual health should point to the development of "a whole person". The current mental health education should include "spiritual health", meanwhile, its values, contents and approaches should also be adjusted and supplemented. Mental health education should focus on individual’s spiritual development as well as their social and cultural attributes.
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    From SiShu to School: Transformation of China’s Elementary Education
    JIANG Chunjiao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 82-90.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.012
    Abstract595)   HTML33)    PDF (622KB)(2069)      
    Sishu in ancient China used to be the dominant institution of elementary education. With the social transformation and modernization in China since 1840, the traditional education system faced great challenges, hence the transformation of modern education. In elementary education system, the co-existence of both traditional and modern systems resulted in the fact that it was not until the late 20th century that the modernization of Chinese education was completed. It was a long transition process, from the disappearance of Sishu to the popularization of modern schools and the establishment of modern education system. After that, Chinese education has departed from the traditional system completely and is now moving towards modernization.
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    The Construction of Charity Schools during Late Qing Dynasty: the Case of Turpan
    WANG Qiming
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 91-95.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.013
    Abstract551)   HTML31)    PDF (634KB)(1624)      
    Based on the newly published documentation, this article discusses the construction of charity schools in Late Qing Dynasty, taking the example of Turpan¬¬. In order to support the establishment of Xinjiang province, Turpan built eight charity schools attended by a great proportion of Uygur students. Ten years after the charity schools were opened, Wei Guangtao proposed an initiative to establish a central charity school in southern Xingjiang, which turned out a lower-performance school compared to the local ones. Consequently, there were no more such central schools built in Turpan. Driven by the Hundred-Day Reform, New Deal and China’s defeat in Sino-Japanese War, there were great changes in China’s education policies and educational fund shortage. During late Guangxu period, the charity schools were Finally closed, and Xinjiang’s charity schools came to its end.
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    Shaping the Images of People’s Teacher During the First 17 Years of New China
    YU Cui-Cui, XU Ji-Cun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 96-102.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.10005560.2015.02.014
    Abstract544)   HTML34)    PDF (587KB)(1109)      
    During the first 17 years of New China, the teachers under the proletarian leadership shaped their model of spiritual images and national identity with their ambitions and enthusiasm. Despite the difficult living conditions, these committed teachers held to their faith in revolution and positive attitudes to their teaching. Their selfless devotion promoted the steady development of education in China and enhanced the whole national political identity and ideology. A review of the past and learning from the lessons can provide great implications for today’s teacher development.
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    Family Involvement in Current American Higher education: Context, Impact and Institutional Strategies
    YANG Qiguang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 103-109.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.015
    Abstract572)   HTML33)    PDF (519KB)(1264)      
    Since the 1980s, there has been a growing family involvement in American higher education. This is the combined result of the following factors: (a) the demographic changes in “Millennium Generation” college students; (b) transformation of family structures; (c)the new social role of higher education and (d)the development of modern information and communication technologies. The relationship between the higher education institution and the family is facing a new cultural transformation. Family involvement in higher education has contributed to the academic success of college students, obtaining reliable and equal educational opportunity and promoting the reform of higher education management. American higher education institutions are reshaping the ethos and philosophy of their management by providing professional support for family involvement and improving different parental programs services so as to strengthen the institutional leadership.
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    The Historical Development and Ecological Improvement of Federal Government Financial Assistance on Higher Education in the United States
    Liu xudong ,Wang Shengben
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 110-116.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.016
    Abstract509)   HTML32)    PDF (482KB)(1217)      
    American is the world powerful nation of higher education. The federal financial assistance has become the most important external development driving force of America modern university, and leads it to a healthy development. American federal government experience is worth researching and referencing. Based on the analysis of a large amount of financial data, using literature research method, historical research method and the paradigm of education ecology research, this paper that comprehensively summarizes the historical process of American federal government to implement financial aid for higher education. Research shows that, by the influence of the political, economic conditions, and the social development trend in different historical periods, American federal financial assistance form has experienced “society laissez-faire, administrative intervention strengthen, market-led decentralized” stages. Finally under the perfect legal protection, the federal financial assistance realizes the ecological morphology for the integration of government and market.
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    LI Zheng-Tao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 117-120.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.017
    Abstract513)   HTML11)    PDF (1227KB)(1850)      
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    PANG Qing-Ju
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (2): 121-123.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.02.018
    Abstract471)   HTML12)    PDF (377KB)(1226)      
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    The Teaching World: a Bidirectional Transformation between Life World and Science World  
    Nan Ji-Wen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 1-6.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.001
    Abstract522)   HTML37)    PDF (499KB)(1459)      
    In the educational community, the discussion of “teaching/education returning to life” still remains confusing and contentious. Therefore, it is of great importance both in theory and practice to explore the relationship among the teaching world, life world and science world from the perspective of instructional theory. In the discourse of instructional theory/educational theory, the relationship between teaching world and other worlds can be discussed from the perspectives of the three worlds, namely the teaching world, life world and science world. In instructional theory, the teaching world, which occupies an intermediate position between the life world and science world, can achieve the bidirectional transformation between the life world and science world; in other words, it turns the science world into the life world and transforms the latter into the former. It is in the process of the bidirectional transformation that teaching can achieve its purposes through instilling its influence into students’ spiritual world. Therefore the idea of “teaching returning to life”is one sided; instead, it’s essential that teaching should focus on the life world, go beyond the life world and toward the science world.
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    Reflecting the Transformation of Educational Leadership Models
    HU Zhong-Feng,WANG Yi-Ning
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 7-13.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.002
    Abstract501)   HTML171)    PDF (1412KB)(3106)      
    Educational leadership has been the major concern among educational researchers ever since 20th century and dozens of different models of educational leadership have emerged. Each model demonstrates its advantages as well as its limitations. Along with the development and change of the research on educational leadership model, the new models are gradually improved, towards integrating other modes. Research on the educational leadership models in China should closely catch up with the international trend through localized development as well as combining theory with practice.
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    Legitimacy of the Logic Construction in Education Reform and its Approaches
    XUE Chuan-Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 14-22.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.003
    Abstract440)   HTML36)    PDF (507KB)(1123)      
    Education reform involves its internal and external logic, as well as its dominant and nondominant logic. The complexity of the education reform has resulted in the alienation phenomenon, i.e. in promoting the education reform, such external logic as the political logic and economic logic has evolved into the dominant logic, which has exerted negative influence on education reform. Reflecting on the theory and practice of education reform and coping with the risk of losing public trust of education reform, it is necessary to construct the logic legitimacy of education reform. Also, it’s essential to adhere to the legality, purposiveness and effectiveness in relation to three dimensions: the rule, the value and the practice.
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    Counter-School Survival under Partial Perception: Discussion on Education and Stratum Reproduction
    SHI Qiu-Xia, WANG Yi-Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 23-31.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.004
    Abstract475)   HTML33)    PDF (689KB)(1290)      
    The authors’ field research in a public school for migrant workers’ children reveals that among the underachiever children with little chance of entering a higher school, a survival logic of counter-school characterized by recreation and resistance is taking shape. This logic is based on the partial perception of education under the marginalized and disadvantaged life situation. The children finally choose to enter the secondary labor market, hence the stratum reproduction. However, the strategic selection by the children in specific contexts should be taken into account to further explore the relationship between education and reproduction. When there is no strong in-group consciousness among the migrant workers’ children, the dynamic in counter-school survival logic does not have the potential to transform the fate of social stratum.
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    Is the College-Mode of Teacher’s Professional Development Outdated?
    CAO Yong-Guo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 32-42.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.005
    Abstract419)   HTML33)    PDF (584KB)(1105)      
    The growing popularity of the practice-mode of teacher’s professional development has been a great challenge to the college-mode. The college-mode is blamed to be separated from the reality of educational practice, which emphasizes the teaching of theories and generalized rules of practices. The practice-mode focuses on the real situated teaching, training reflective practitioners, and developing personal styles of teaching. The inherent deficiencies in the practice-mode have led to subjectivism or random in teacher’s professionalization, as well as teacher’s lack of educational theories and his worship of practice. Teacher’s professionalization lies in how the teacher uses his philosophy to explore a whole educational practice in cultivating a good personality and great character. Based on the nature of teaching in seeking the meaning and human’s well-being, we should reconsider education and teacher’s professionalization. Teacher professional development should be guided by educational theories. In reconstructing the college-mode, it’s important to reflect the unique nature of educational theory, deepen teacher’s understanding of teaching, develop their critical thinking and form a habit of self-assessment.
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    From Community to School-university Partnership: Expansion and Transformation of Sites and Approaches of Teacher Learning
    WANG Xiao-Fang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 43-52.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.006
    Abstract537)   HTML34)    PDF (539KB)(2046)      
    Teacher learning is mediated by context. Teacher learning occurring in community is characterized as experiential, participative learning and a process of identity formation. However, teacher community with clearly-defined boundary is likely to undermine teacher professional development. School-university partnership can expand teacher learning sites. In this partnership, the boundary is ambiguous, open and inclusive, allowing diverse participants to exchange with each other through multiple discourse practices. In this context, teacher learning involves a process of problem-solving and inquiry, which helps to produce new knowledge and improve the teaching system. Both the development and utilization of boundary objects and boundary crossers are the mediating mechanism to facilitate teachers’ boundary crossing learning. One of the important research topics in the field of teacher learning is how to connect boundary learning in partnership with learning in community.
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    Social Transformation and Schooling in Ethnic Minority Areas: Case Study of Lijiang, Yunnan
    HU Di-Ya
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 53-57.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.007
    Abstract407)   HTML35)    PDF (504KB)(1445)      
    In the context of social transformation in China and the more dramatic changes in culture and livelihood in ethnic minority areas, education for ethnic minority faces severer challenges. Lijiang is a typical ethnic minority area transforming from a traditional agricultural society to a society of integrating agriculture and tourism. It is characterized by great changes in culture, livelihood and population migration. Despite its response, local schooling still needs to transform its conceptions accordingly, attach great importance to the innovation of institution and practice, and implement culturally-sensitive education.
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    “London Challenge”: Lessons and Inspirations of School Reform
    Chris Husbands
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 58-61.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.008
    Abstract460)   HTML32)    PDF (411KB)(1221)      
    “Within many cities, there are effective classrooms-‘beacon’ schools and even clusters of such schools-but there are few if any examples of a successful model being expanded to the scope of an entire district”. After education reforms such as the global education reform movement ,the successful systems of the Pacific Rimand the ‘moral drive for improvement’, London began to consider and practice the challenging issue: to take school reform to scale, i.e. within the framework of vertical cooperation between national, municipal and local levels and combined with policy interventions for improvement of education reform and development, a set of plans has been taken for comprehensive school improvement to scale. Whether the London Challenge is transferable and could be copied and whether it is sustainable for area-based improvement, only time will tell.
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    A Calling-based Counter factual Self: Concept, Formation and Impact
    TIAN Xi-Zhou
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 62-70.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.009
    Abstract501)   HTML107)    PDF (658KB)(1146)      
    Calling is an individual identity and a strong inner desire for the pursuit of one’s goals. Achieving a calling allows an individual to experience the meaning of one’s work, mission and a true self. However, not all callings can be achieved, and what is the impact of the calling which you could have chosen but had to give you’re your self-concept, career and life? Based on the counter factual thinking, self-concept and calling-related researches, this paper argues that: (a) counter factual self based on calling (CSC) is a new construct paralleling actual self; (b) CSC has contributed much to theoretical research of calling and counter-factual thinking; (c) CSC can have direct impact on individual’ emotion, cognition, motivation and behavior.
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    The Impact and Psychic Mechanism of Media Violence on Children and their Aggressive Behavior
    XING Shu-Fen,WANG Dan-Yang,LIN Chong-De
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 71-78.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.010
    Abstract615)   HTML1088)    PDF (548KB)(4374)      
    With the prevalence of new medium and violent games, the relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior has become a research focus again. However, controversy still exists regarding the causal relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior, including two opposite theoretical models: General Aggressive Model and Catalyst Model. According to the General Aggressive Model, the effects of media violence on aggressive behavior involve short-term and long-term effect, with different psychic mechanisms. However, such factors as children’s personality, initial aggressive level, their recognition of the role and characteristics of the game will play a regulatory role. In this regard, future studies will be conducted using new paradigms and techniques, in order to reach a relatively consistent conclusion.
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    Temporal Dynamics of Affective Responding to Affect Arousals in Resilient Individuals: A Behavioral Study
    XI Ju-Zhe,ZUO Zhi-Hong,TANG Xiao-Yan,MA Wei-Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 79-87.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.011
    Abstract488)   HTML184)    PDF (974KB)(1583)      
    The present study aims to explore the temporal dynamics of affective responding to positive affect arousals and negative affect arousals among resilient college students in comparison with non-resilient ones. Sixty-seven college students (34 are of high resilience and 33 of low resilience) who participated in the experiments of positive or negative affect arousal were screened out according to the scores of Resilience Scale for Adult (RSA). Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), video clips for affect arousals and self-developed self-rating affect schedule were used to measure and compare baselines of affects, the temporal dynamics of affective responding to affect arousals between the resilient and the non-resilient. The results indicated that high resilient individuals not only had a higher baseline of positive affect and a lower baseline of negative affect than their low resilient counter parts, but also had a higher level of affect balance as well. It was proved that high resilient individuals were of higher sensitivity to both positive and negative affect arousals; they recovered more slowly from effects of positive affective arousals and bounced back quickly from a bottom point when negatively aroused.The results implied that the difference in temporal dynamics of affective responding between high and low resilient individuals was an important intrapersonal factor to differentiate persons of high resilience from those of low resilience.
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    A Factor Analysis of the Mental Health of Children Left Behind: Perspective of Sense of Security
    LIAO Chuan-Jing,WU Ji-Xia,ZHANG Jin-Fu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 88-97.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.012
    Abstract495)   HTML131)    PDF (2916KB)(2165)      
    Using MMHI-60, SSSCLB and ALSEC, this article presents a survey of 2,219 rural children left behind. The results suggest that: (a) in general, the mental health of children left behind is worrying, with significant variation among different levels of sense of security ; (b) life events are in positive correlation to mental health, and sense of security is significantly negative to mental health; (c)sense of security plays a significant regulatory role in life events and mental health; (d) life events can directly predict mental health, with sense of security playing partial mediating effect on mental health in life events; (e)the left-behind situation is an important factor affecting the mental health, while sense of security plays a complete intermediary role between the left-behind situation and mental health of children left behind in China.
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    Promotion Quota, Group Population and Geographical Distribution of Military Licentiates in the Qing Dynasty
    LI Lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 98-105.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.013
    Abstract416)   HTML33)    PDF (1081KB)(1382)      
    During Emperor SHUNZhi’s reign in early Qing Dynasty, the promotion quota of military licentiates for garrison military schools in the capital was clearly prescribed, whereas the quota for schools in other provinces remained unfixed. Starting from the year of 1671, the promotion quota of military licentiates for all provinces was first assigned by reference to the counterpart quota of literary licentiates. During the reigns of Emperor Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, the quota was frequently adjusted due to the establishment of new schools, upgrading of old schools, and changes of administrative regions. For every round approximately 22,000 military licentiates were admitted and affiliated to around 1,800 Confucian schools throughout the empire, and such a quota kept relatively stable, until the Taiping Rebellion during which the Qing government, rewarding public donations and supports for suppression, remarkably raised the in take to around 27,000. Before and after the Rebellion, the group population of military licentiates showed “remarkable increase in the South and modest increase in the North”, whilst its provincial distribution saw “increasing in the South but decreasing in the North”. A thorough investigation on the changes of the promotion quota, group population and geographical distribution of the military licentiates cannot only reveal the political context, but also reflect the dynamic of fostering and recruiting military talents throughout the Qing Dynasty.
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    Government Coordination in Private Education: Case of Nanyang College
    OU Qi-Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 106-111.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.014
    Abstract382)   HTML33)    PDF (571KB)(1106)      
    The once most prominent Nanyang College(1896-1905) to which SHENG Xuan-huai devoted most of his efforts changed its name several times. Examining how and why the college changed its name helps to reveal the development of modern education. From the out set, the gentry and merchants represented by SHENG played the leading role in establishing the College in the name of Public School. This western-style College was then financed by the industry and commerce community. However, there was no mature and stable industrial and commercial class in China, while there was a well-developed traditional system of public administration, which made the education mode of Nanyang College less sustainable. After the reform in the School System in the late Qing Dynasty, SHENG’s mode gradually faded out in the process of education modernization led by the government.
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    Theory and Practice of Life Education in the Republic of China
    LIU Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 112-119.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.015
    Abstract422)   HTML31)    PDF (518KB)(1280)      
    The core of the education development is educational thought. During the Republic of China, there existed various educational thoughts. Among them, life education was most popular, hence the concept of life education. Influenced by the political, economic, social and cultural factors, different scholar shad different understanding of life education, and all this eventually led to the establishment of the Chinese Association of Life Education. The association created its journal, and through its active educational activities, life education developed into a school of educational thought.
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    Early Introduction of Flexner’s Idea of Modern University
    WANG Shao-Fang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (3): 120-124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.016
    Abstract434)   HTML31)    PDF (474KB)(1078)      
    Scholars in the Republic of China paid remarkably varied attention to the Universities: American, English, German written by Flexner. There were affirmation and criticism as well as silent resistance to Flexner’s theory. Despite these scholars’ different attitudes, it was common that they all chose to adopt Flexner’s criticism towards the American Universities, while abandoning or neglecting his idea of a modern university, which is the essence of Flexner’s theory. The phenomenon was a typical reflection of the general tendency among Chinese scholars dealing with the western theory. They selected the ingredients which adapts to China’s society, politics and education, and could be useful to them. This inherent pragmatism spirit of Chinese culture potentially influenced the selection of the western theory on university, which led to the abandoned core concepts of western theory.
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    Education and Philosophy: From Divergence to Convergence
    ZHU Shou-Xin,YANG Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 1-6.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.001
    Abstract410)   HTML44)    PDF (993KB)(1066)      
    The dissociation of education from philosophy is caused by the diversion of modern scientific epistemology and the knowledge transition of education, which results in the identity crisis of modern educational philosophy. In essence, the dissociation of education from philosophy is the separation of education and human. Knowledge itself does not change the moral foundation of modern society where the perfection of humanity is still the paramount goal of education and the cornerstone of constructing knowledge society order. No matter how society evolves, the relationship between education and human is always the essential issue of educational philosophy and the reverting to humanity is the logical starting point of reviving educational philosophy. The ultimate proposition of educational philosophy is exploring how to achieve the goodness of education, and realize the goodness of human through education.
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    Towards a New Vision: Beyond Whitehead’s Theory of Wisdom Education
    XIAO Shi-Ying
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 7-14.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.002
    Abstract528)   HTML99)    PDF (1213KB)(1030)      
    Whitehead’s theory of wisdom education emerged from the ancient Greek civilization. It first overthrew the dominant theory of knowledge education and had a great impact on wisdom education and educational practice. However, Whitehead’s wisdom education is limited by its lack of holistic and critic perspective, moral orientation and super-subjectivity consciousness. Therefore, it’s essential to explore an improved theory wisdom education. This article argues that the theory of wisdom education needs to develop towards a new vision.
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    Constructing a Three-factor Model of Teaching-Learning-Assessment Alignment
    CUI Yun-Huo,LEI Hao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 15-22.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.003
    Abstract608)   HTML51)    PDF (1476KB)(1526)      
    On the basis of relevant studies, this paper, from the theoretical analysis perspective, summarizes a three-factor model of the alignment of teaching-learning-assessment—the alignment of learning-teaching, the alignment of teaching-assessment, and the alignment of assessment-learning. The model is explored and validated with the empirical analysis method. Through exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency validity examination and confirmatory factor analysis the paper finds that the three-factor structure of aligning teaching, learning, and assessment is reasonable, and has good reliability and structural validity, which verifies the rationality of the theoretical model from the empirical perspective.
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    Beyond Tradition: Toward a Critical and Nation-Oriented Comparative Education
    YANG Ming-Quan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 23-29.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.004
    Abstract474)   HTML38)    PDF (1050KB)(813)      
    Comparative Education (CE) will celebrate its 200th anniversary of founded. Contemporary CE is undergoing a series of new trends of development after several paradigm shifts, which means towards critic and localization. With the decline of the “description and borrowing” tradition, CE research has been impacted by Critical Theory and Post-modern Theory, which brings a lot critical discourses in the field. In the Era of Globalization, the meaning of CE should be re-defined, in which the confliction and tension between “internationalization” and “localization” should be interpreted in a new perspective, and a new point of integration and balance should be attained.
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    The Connotation, Origin and Limitation of “the Concept of Modern Childhood”
    LIN Lan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 30-35.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.005
    Abstract516)   HTML41)    PDF (997KB)(1363)      
    The concept of modern childhood appeared firstly in the western developed industrial countries. It reflects the modern way of thinking to the children and their life since the Enlightenment. The concept of modern childhood emphasizes the difference and the opposition between the child and the adult. It builds up the linear mode of childhood development and generates the “standardizing” childhood. The concept of modern childhood derives the modern logic of dichotomy, is restricted by the biology guided research perspective, and consolidates with the development of the institutionalization of school education and the change of modern family life. The concept of modern childhood predicts the deficiency of the children’s social competence for the immaturity of children's physical development, which isolates the child from the adult world and marginalizes the social status of children. The power of definition of childhood is controlled by the adult, the diverse forms of childhood are ignored and the sound of children is buried.
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    A meta-analysis about competences of principals in primary and secondary school
    LIU Li-Li
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 36-40.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.006
    Abstract465)   HTML82)    PDF (750KB)(858)      
    Based on the purpose of constructing a general competency model of principals in primary and secondary school, we totally reviewed 8 academic dissertations and 6 journal papers from recent 10 years’ documents, with the amount of sample is 2998 and the number of competences is 224. Through meta analysis, we construct a general competency model involved 9 competences of principals in primary and secondary school. Frequency analysis showed that leadership is the most important competence in all, the second are training others and creativity; self-control and interpersonal sensitivity lie the third, and the fourth are problem analysis, influence, relationship building and communication. On the one hand, the result integrated the relatively scattered outcomes about principals’ competency research; on the other hand, it can also provide empirical evidence for standard competency training to principals in primary and secondary school.
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    Comparative Studies of China and US Teacher Recognition Institutions
    WANG Qiang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 41-48.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.007
    Abstract417)   HTML36)    PDF (1168KB)(803)      
    After comparing teacher recognitions in “A” province with the ones in Massachusetts and Florida, the author make systematic analysis of China and US teacher recognition institutions. It is found that the sponsors, candidates, contents, and incentives in China and US are different. According to this finding, the suggestions are given to improve teacher recognition institutions in China from hierarchic identities to professional stratification, from irrational incentive to social value recognition, and from top-down planning to multiple choices.
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    Measurement and visualization analysis of the educational rights and obligations in China——Based on 2000-2015 CNKI database
    LIU Dong-Dong,LI Yi-Shan,LIU Zi-Yang,ZHOU Fang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 49-57.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.008
    Abstract389)   HTML99)    PDF (1317KB)(861)      
    Educational rights and obligations are the key issue of educational law. Educational rights and obligations as the entry point of the research have made some achievements. Use of bibliometric visualization software CiteSpace, drawing CNKI database 2000--2015 Years Documents keywords co-occurrence network map, you can see the scope of educational research focused on the rights and obligations: compulsory education, higher education, balanced education. Crescendo type research fronts include: teachers’ educational rights and obligations, balanced development of education and the American experience; steady gradually based research front include: education laws and regulations, the legal relationship of education, governing education by law and right to education; the forefront of the latest research are: Education law relief , protection of vulnerable groups of the right to education and school choice. Based on literature analysis shows: Educational rights and obligations to the entry point of research, analysis and countermeasures more attention to education laws proposed practical problems, which will become the development trend of future research.
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    The Present Situation and Prospects of the Research on Children’s Resilience in China
    ZHANG Kun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 58-64.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.009
    Abstract456)   HTML48)    PDF (1131KB)(957)      
    Resilience refers to achieve positive outcomes despite challenging or threatening circumstance, copying successfully with traumatic experience, and avoiding negative paths linked with risks. Research on resilience in the behavioral sciences began to emerge around 1970 and has gained more and more attention in western countries. However, the psychologists in China did not begin to study it until the 2000s. This paper offers a review of the literature on resilience beginning in the 2000s to the present. The results are as follows: There are varying definitions of resilience and central terminology in western countries, which slow the development the field. Scholars may give us different definitions from different angles of their own aspects, so the definitions and translations of resilience are also not consistent in China. The subject of resilience in our country has its characteristics. The researches mainly focus on migrant children, left-behind children and children in Wenchuan earthquake stricken, but seldom focus on other groups. Expect for revised foreign instruments, researchers also have explored some localized scales. With the development of these localized scales, the current studies of resilience in China are promising. Resilience is inhibited by risk factors and prompted by protective factors. Protective factors alter responses to adverse events so that potential negative outcomes can be avoided. The individual factors (e.g., gender, grade, personality, social cognition), together with the factors from family (e.g., parent-child attachment, social support, parenting style, family conditions), school (e.g., peers, teachers, school types) and society are the main influencing factors to the development of their resilience. Now, the intervention for resilience of children in our country has just started. Most of the interventions are lack of systematization and persistence. The key idea in future work is that interventions need to focus on the combination of individual –level, family level and social environment level of children’s development. As a result,firstly, the future study need clarify the definition of resilience (e.g., the meaning of risk and the positive outcome).Secondly, the future research should focus on mixed method designs (e.g., combination with qualitative and quantitative methods, combination with longitudinal study and cross-sectional study). Thirdly, the study need broaden study subjects (e.g., various children in different areas and circumstances) and contents (e.g., emotional resilience, academic resilience, social resilience). Fourthly, the future study need strength the systematic intervention with multiple perspectives. Finally, the localization study has just begun in china and also need to strengthen in the future. The review is valuable and it points out the weakness of our study in resilience by analyzing the papers in these areas at present and the striving direction to strengthen in the future.
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    Putting the Brakes on Direct Access to Other Minds: Five Problems for the Embodied Simulation
    CHEN Wei,ZHANG Jing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 65-71.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.010
    Abstract430)   HTML142)    PDF (1012KB)(855)      
    Based on intellectualism, many mainstream researches anticipate understanding other minds as “one mind thinking about the other minds”. In recent years, however, this view has been challenged by the “direct social perception” (DSP). According to DSP, problems of accessing to other minds should not be regarded as “mind thinking about minds”, instead, the explanandum in intersubjectivity must include “embodied mind perceiving embodied minds”. As a substantive theory of DSP, embodied simulation (ES) emphasizes on reusing the core concept of mental simulation and posits a motion simulation as an automatic, unconscious, pre-reflective mechanism to go straight to the other minds, which is generated by the activities of mirror neurons. I propose five problems that should be fulfilled in order to support ES, and brake on direct access to other minds: (1) the similarity of brain-body system is not necessary for social interaction; (2) the priming of ES is affected by plenty of stimulus rather than the lack of stimulus; (3) activation of own motor program is not necessary for action understanding; (4) the accounts for classic experiments of mirror neuron is compatible with mentalizing accounts; (5) mirror neurons originate from sensorimotor associative learning rather than gene-based natural selection or adaptation.
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    The role of temporal shift in constructing situation model of the narrative reading
    XIA Tian-Sheng,WANG Yu-Han,CHEN Lin,MO Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 72-79.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.011
    Abstract383)   HTML134)    PDF (1011KB)(778)      
    In this study, two experiments were designed to explore the influence of temporal shift on event segmentation and situation model when event shift is disaccord with temporal shift with event segmentation paradigm and probe-recognize paradigm. In the first experiment, 36 university students were asked to read eight narrative stories. In the second experiment, 33 University students were asked to read eight narrative stories. The independent variables were the same as those in the first experiment. The dependent variable was the segment rate of the different points. According to the results from the two experiments, we find that in the temporal shift consistent with event shift condition, temporal shift causes the update of situation model; whereas in the temporal shift inconsistent with event shift condition, temporal shift don’t causes the update of situation model. To sum up, event is the core of situation model and temporal shift causes the update of situation unless it indexes event shift.
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    Impact of Work Family conflict on Work Engagement among Preschool Teachers: Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator
    LI Yong-Zhan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 80-88.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.012
    Abstract407)   HTML217)    PDF (1261KB)(826)      
    To explore the relationship between work family conflict, emotional intelligence and work engagement among preschool teachers, a total of 270 preschool teachers in Henan province were selected to complete the survey. The result indicated that (a) the level of preschool teachers’ work family conflict (WFC) was a little high, and compared with their family interfere work (FIW), their work interfere family (WIF) was more serious; (b) preschool teachers’ work family conflict negatively predicted their work engagement, while their emotional intelligence positively predicted their work engagement; and (c) preschool teachers’ emotional intelligence was a moderator between their work family conflict and work engagement, specifically, preschool teachers’ work family conflict negatively predicted their work engagement at the low level of their emotional intelligence, however, at the high level of their emotional intelligence, preschool teachers’ work family conflict did not impact their work engagement significantly.
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    A Curriculum Design Based on Child and Adult: Analysis of the Textbooks of the Analects of Confucius
    CHEN Xiang-Long
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 89-93.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.013
    Abstract388)   HTML35)    PDF (853KB)(844)      
    From the Classics to Confucian Classics textbook and to the modern textbook, the Analects of Confucius has developed in accordance with the characteristics of traditional education. In the pre-Qin period, the Analects of Confuciuswas mainly taught in the Confucian school in the form of the “words and deeds”. During the Han Dynasty, Five Classic education sprung up, and the Analects of Confucius was adopted as a supplementary course of the Five Classics education, mainly for boys. During the Song Dynasty, “the Analects of Confucius” became a required course in the Four Books education. The imperial examination attached great importance tothe Analects of Confucius, which became an important part of adults learning. The Republic of China witnessed the abolition of Confucian Classics reading in primary and secondary schools, hence the Analects of Confucius developed away from boys’ learning and was introduced as subject matters. In the inheriting process of the Analects of Confucius, a curriculum designed suitable for either boys or adults was gradually constructed, which reflects the evolution of the traditional school curriculum and textbooks.
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    The Study on the Studying Order of in “Four Books”
    QU Bo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 94-98.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.014
    Abstract413)   HTML36)    PDF (793KB)(786)      
    Since the formation of namely “Four Books”, the studying order of Mencius in “Four Books” has experienced several changes. Zhu Xi regulated Mencius as the “third order” in the “Four Books”, then in the imperial examination system, Mencius lied in the “fourth order”, afterwards, Mencius’s order experienced changes in the process of modern education transformation. Every change was affected not only by the educational system and policies, but also by people’s understanding of the difficulties of the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean, the Analects of Confucius and Mencius, as well as the considerations on studying demand of these “Four Books”. In this process, the characteristics of Mencius attracted different degree of attention, and the studying order of Mencius has become a key influcing the studying order of the whole “Four Books”.
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    Taking Advantage of the Imperial Examination: On Disproportionate Reading of the Classics in the Imperial Examination Era——Also on the Geographical Distribution of Successful Candidates in the Examination
    DING Xiu-Zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 99-106.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.015
    Abstract426)   HTML34)    PDF (1743KB)(860)      
    The reading of Classics in the Imperial Examination era is disproportionate— attendants of the exam tended to put more emphasis on certain Classic. A certain Classics became especially popular in a set region at a time, a phenomenon budding in Tang Dynasty, gaining ground in Song Dynasty, and by Ming Dynasty in full swing as several regions gained fame for specializing in certain Classics. Previous analysis of this phenomenon lack thoroughness in terms of its evolvement as well as its influence on the system of Imperial Examination. Based on an innovative reading of the existing documents, this study will comb through its historical evolvement and reexamine the herding of successful candidates in various regions. It turns out that while success in the Imperial Examinations has much to do with regional culture and economy, a more direct factor was the literary men’s preference in choosing the Classics to study and peruse. It can be concluded that the geographical distribution of successful candidates in the examination was brought by an interaction between the disproportionate reading of Classics and the regional system of the Examination.
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    The Critical Reflection on the imperial examination and its Characteristics
    ZHANG Hui-Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 107-112.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.016
    Abstract501)   HTML40)    PDF (1186KB)(1084)      
    The imperial examination is the institution of selecting officials by exams in China's feudal dynasty, the millennium surviving from the imperial examinations in Confucian ethics of the positive and negative effects lead to dictatorship rule to resolve the plight of clever. It’s the historical necessity of the abolition of the imperial examination in the social modern transformation. Chinese imperial examinations causing lasting and far-reaching impact, the Millennium accumulated in the imperial examinations lingering and deep cultural tradition. The critical reflection on the imperial examination institution, especially the Confucian culture in human ethics, the impartiality in the imperial examination, the single exam test ideas and content of official position, Which can provide historical reference for the examination system reform a reality, and explore the system key, pass the exam and other institutions to optimize the combination of real strides to promote Chinese education and society.
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    National Backbone: the Enlightenment of 1933 Renaissance Textbooks
    WU Xiao-ou,YAO Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 113-118.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.017
    Abstract421)   HTML33)    PDF (1046KB)(762)      
    In 1932, the Commercial Press was brutally bombed and burned in “1•28” Incident. In 1933, the Commercial Press compiled and published the Renaissance Textbooks. With the largest number of editors, the textbooks involved the most curriculum standards in the history of Chinese textbooks and were used until the early founding of New China. The Textbooks showed the Commercial Press’ considerations stimulated by the Japanese aggressors. It is believed that the Textbooks followed the Chinese traditional culture, enlightening “national confidence” and “national spirit”. In particular, the Textbooks emphasized children’s all-around development, as well as the enlightenment of citizens’ scientific literacy and active inquiryin strong support of national rejuvenation.
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    How to balance the geographical features and urban-rural differences in textbooks——The exploration in 1910-1930
    ZHANG Xin-Ke
    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 119-124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki./000-5560.2015.04.018
    Abstract421)   HTML31)    PDF (868KB)(820)      
    From 1910 to 1930, due to the influence of "Pragmatism" "Children-oriented" "Life Standard” and other educational ideology, our country education circle had made the positive theory and the practice exploration on how to balance the regional characteristics and differences between urban and rural areas in order to promote children's development. Scholars argued that the content of textbooks should be consistent with the children's future or current life experience, shared or personal experience. Various solutions had been proposed by these academics , for example, textbooks should be written by teachers rather than published, they advocated to write textbooks from region to region, press published version of the textbooks should be of rural bias, they also pointed out that no matter what kind of method has its certain advantages and disadvantages. In the practice exploration, In addition to text and illustrations in most textbooks ought to cater to widespread use, special textbook that contained specific content which suit to use a single region were also designed.
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    Journal of East China Normal University(Educationa    2015, 33 (4): 124-124.  
    Abstract234)   HTML18)    PDF (322KB)(892)      
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